The Seething thread

Youā€™d think after being hoodwinked by Callinan heā€™d have the sense to stay quiet. Some ego.

shatter never knows when to shut his trap. hes so arrogant hes convinced that hes right in everything and that everyone has shafted him. totally ignoring that he lied to the dail about McCabe and did him down.

His ego wonā€™t allow him to accept muldoons like Callinan, Wallace and Kenny out-manouevred him.

Iā€™d imagine Mrs. Oā€™Sullivan is seething as she reads the input from her son-in-law on the fatherā€™s issue thread. Spouting away and he hardly able to mind the fucking dog never mind her precious daughter. Worrying times indeed.


Andy McEntee always struck me as bit of a bollocks.


Andy McEntee is seething

Scumbag players, scumbag manager, scumbag Co board, nothing new here

Jim Gavinā€™s pre-match goading has destroyed him


Iā€™m seething that I clicked onto this thread.

For a county so close to the capital they seem to be extreme muck savages

The North West Meath accent is a terribly roasterish accent. See Hector O hEocagƔin for an example.

Itā€™ll be a laung whale befur Mayd wun anudder Lanster taytle

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You werenā€™t there in the one big day for wexford over twenty years. Throw up a few pictures of weak pints, your specialty subject

Have another shot buddy, Iā€™ll be around all evening.

@Mac more interested in picking fights on the INTERNET than applaud Wexfords first trophy in a generation


Of course you will, sitting in torremelinos while wexford is rocking. Itā€™ll be even more craic down there without your snout ruining peoples nights

Drunk, on the internet and trying to pick fights when he should be celebrating.


He has let his County down badly today

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At least our hurlers didnā€™t let us down, the Galway hurlers are probably beside the same pool as @Mac