The Seething thread

Youre the one who makes up excuses not to attend games. Only your excuses are truly despicable.

Joking and digging is all part of tfk, you are genuinely a horrible cunt. Don’t reply or tag me again.

I’d just like to place on record that Dublin have played in 10 All-Ireland finals since I was old enough to attend matches and I’ve attended every one of them

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This Wexford victory has rattled @maroonandwhite something terrible

Could he not just have watched Glastonbury or something and been happy for one evening at least

An absolute mess of a post from a mess of a man.

Well if anyone was gonna join in it was you after i walked all over you the last day when you tried to bully another poster, you gobshite

Don’t take any shit off of those lads. Nothing landed anyway.

@maroonandwhite on fire here :heart: Typical of the likes of @Mac and @artfoley can’t take a wee rise without having to call for help. And calling for help from Munterheads at that :joy:

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These lads are deadly serious, it’s the ultimate put down :sweat_smile:

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The Internet is serious bidness.

@maroonandwhite has told some simple truths here and the wex offenders and de duds are seething


Fantastic bit of seethe from David mcnarry on the Nolan show this morning. Peadar Toibin pokes him with a stick at about 1:05 in.
The Nolan Show - 19/07/2019 - @bbcradioulster

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He’s a fuckin desperate bigot altogether. The hatred just oozes out of him.

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“our lands will be seized, ruc and udr men will be punished… and God knows how they’ll be punished”

:joy::joy::joy::joy: What a lunch.

Rory McIlroy


Arlene Foster

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What a sour clown…

fintan o tool

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What’s that ?