The Seething thread

Ah I see

My grandmother would describe them as ‘corner boys’

Going around hunting in packs liking each other’s posts. Lookit I suppose if they are entertaining each other at least its not in vain. Simple finds simple as the man says

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Ah, just enjoy the rubby pal. Just got last 20 mins there, Ziggy now getting a short walk so I’ll get full Malvinas derby in. As a spectacle the sport in big trouble though, physique and defense are king


lad’s in their 40’s married and with Children, regurgitating stale banter from 15 years ago, you’d wonder is there a bit of a want in them?

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Don’t be angry with us that vodafobe Ireland are playing poorly


Those damn bandwagoners.

I remember when the Rugby WC was in France, there was a huge bandwagoner in my year in college, wouldn’t shut up about rugby, giving funny looks to anyone who didn’t know what “corridor of power” meant. He came from a strong GGA background and had never played rugby. He was a very insecure character, desperate to fit in and I despised him long before he started talking about the oval ball.

As you will remember, Argentina beat Ireland in the group and Argentina were unbelievable. I didn’t enjoy seeing my country lose but I thought that as a silver lining at least it will shut up this gobshite and give me some peace.

The next morning he announced that Argentina had played so well that half way through he had started cheering for them. He expressed contempt for anyone who was suffering for Ireland’s loss and launched into a long expert analysis of the World Cup chances of his new team, Argentina.

I developed on that day a longstanding contempt of the rugby bandwagoners which nicely complemented my contempt for rugby generally. Now in 2019 those pesky bandwagoners are at it again.


Without the bandwagoners, rugby is nothing.

I would have no problem with rugby if it was what it is, nothing.

You can slate the bandwagoners but rugby needs them otherwise it’s nothing. The fact remains that you need @backinatracksuit and @Matty_Hislop to get their pom poms out.

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The greatest every victory in Irish rugby was their massive morkeshing success. They’ve railroaded every other sport on the island in this regard. No one has or is capable of competing with them on the morkeshing.


They have honed in that the Oirish are a bunch of needy simpletons and captured the hearts of hundreds of naive menial office workers and housewives across the country. They have sold them a dream of leafy suburbia, Range Rovers, fancy kitchens, prosecco and social standing and that if you follow rugby football and #teamofus it will be the catalyst of all your needy aspirations.

Rugby Football, in this country, is the biggest Ponzi Scheme (or a Poncey Scheme is probably more apt) that has ever been seen on the island.


They spotted a weakness and exploited it mercilessly. In Limerick in particular they drilled in on the lack of success of other sports. In Dublin they found a sub culture ripe for the picking. Ulster was a pushover tbf. Connacht has held out relatively admirably for the most part but it wasn’t targeted or really wanted by the IRFU.

It’s worth a thesis.

Catholic Ulster has once again been the enfant terrible of their pesky aims - it will never usurp the thrill of bundling GAA referees into a car boot in mid Ulster or the dominance of association football in the urban cities of Derry and Belfast. Has there ever been a senior rugby cap for an Ulsterman who attended a Catholic school for the West British rugby team?


Great posting here today, including @gilgamboa’s initial post. Irish rugby is the spiritualization of sex and money.

When I was a young lad my mother steered me away from rugby and into other sports because it was just something that would get you hurt. Once they got the housewives thinking that this is how you make social progress they couldn’t fail basically.

Another big factor was the development of the gym physique. The evolution from the Keith Woods-type physique to a Jamie Heaslip-type physique was a game-changer. This fitted in with other wider cultural changes.

It sounds ridiculous but these were the real factors behind it’s takeover.


It was as simple as Celtic-Tiger social climbing

I despise that



It’s really studied the unstable mind and irrational thinking of a woman and nailed it. It’s associated itself with the manifestation of the Irish man - alcohol, the Beer Cup, the Cider League, the Stout Pro14. When they sussed this, they sussed society - they got themselves embedded within the fabric of new Irish culture. Rugby was the meeting post for these people and their lives, #teamofus.

Of course it will only work in a country like Ireland where the men are alcoholics and the women who live in LaLa land and think they are Victoria Secrets models that despite the fact they’re 15 stone and react to sun as if it was a microwave. But it’s a fascinating win for manipulative pyschology.


Any chance that people… you know… just… like rugby?


It’s a shame John Waters went crazy, that he can’t write a book on this.

You could see the seed of it in limerick in the early 90’s with the AIL.

Who’d like it? Really?