The Seething thread

@Cicero_Dandi over a league he says is shit and has no interest in.

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England’s Calciopoli.

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He watches more EPL than the forum combined ---- He’s livid that another nordie lost :rofl:

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Andy Gray over penalty call on ManĂŠ

Kilbane called Mane a cheat too. Bitters getting worried.

It’s unfortunate for you that you couldn’t have a go at Liverpool without mentioning Italian football’s deep rooted corruption problems

Poor arguing and it only makes Italian football look bad

I don’t think that’s the message you were trying to convey, but it’s what you’ve conveyed

Unlike Calciopoli, not only will this be tolerated, it will be swept under the carpet and airbrushed from history.


Mane was clearly fouled by Marc Albrighton, mate

VAR looked at the decision and rightly backed up the referee completely

Them’s the facts

Anything else is bullshit

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England’s Calcipoli.

Sounds like you’re suffering from Munsteritis.

Calciopoli was a corruption scandal which destroyed the reputation of Italian football

I don’t know what Munsteritis is

And it was dealt with by the bravery of Italian authorities who had enough of it.

What happened Leicester City was a disgrace, it was corruption on another level who what was tackled effectively in Italy.

When I was 15 I played in a Armagh and Down district association football league final. We were a Catholic side, we were the first Catholic side to make in a final in a huge number of years, we played Banbridge in the final. We totally outplayed them from start to finish but we had a player sent off for nothing tackle and our captain duly followed for protesting them, we hung on in valiantly and were pegged back with 5 minutes to go. They then had an absurd penalty awarded when my centre half partner headed the ball away for a phantom push. All hell broke loose, a few of the families of players went on and chased the ref off the pitch and it all kicked off between both sets of supporters, players and management teams. The masonic cunt of a ref went out with a mission to stop the fenians from winning that cup and he duly did it as Banbridge got the cup.

I remember sobbing on the way home in the car with my pappa driving and I remember him saying “son, it’s all about winning but what happened tonight is not winning”. That’s what I would say about that game.

I grew up in a society that everything you legitimately earned, won, or worked for could be taken from you, diminished, demeaned because of the name you had or the school you went to. I know a fix when I see one and that was a fix of the highest order tonight.

Some people are unashamed at the intervention they will go to make it an unfair fight, I notice this about staters a lot, they whinge and moan when everything is not titled in their favour - the last thing they ever want is a fair fight or an even fight. I think it’s most evident in people from Munster and the further south you go and it foes unavowed in their culture.


Ironically that’s exactly what you’ve done here

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Any examples of this that spring to mind?

Their lauding of Kerry football and airbrushing of the amount of disgraceful refereeing performances and underhand way they influence match officials and governors of gaelic football.

Call them out for what they are.


Laz is absolutely seething too

Up Tipp. up Liverpool

Knocking it out of the park time and time again Cisero. Do you ever get tired of it? I’ve never seen such clean hits on a subject in my life. You need to go easy on these craturs or you’ll retire half the forum. :cowboy_hat_face::cowboy_hat_face::cowboy_hat_face::grin::+1::+1::+1::+1:


Italians are cowards

Says the Irishman who turned their backs on their own people.

Never forget.

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Italians are cowards

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Staters are cowards and backstabbers.