The Seething thread

Italians are yellow cowards

Are you including Irish men who killed Irish men to fight for ye in that statement you ungrateful cunt

All the bluenoses are seething

It was a stone wall peno. Fuck the begrudgers

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Kloppo and the redmen have lads driven to distraction

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You’ve lads writing novels on here now… Absolutely seething over an EPL game :rofl:

Klopp haunts the days and dreams of lads on here. It’s fascinating to watch lads who called him a failure wrestling with the cognitive dissonance and the discomfort as each win mounts up. It is literally driving them demented.

An EPL game. Weird thing to obsessed with. Same biys would be the first lads giving it ooh aah up the ra

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I think you’re taking this epl shite too seriously, though I feel your pain. At sixteen, that must have been rotten.

I was 15.

I take all fixing seriously, I’m scarred by it.

You’re some hypocrite. You have your head in the trough here for years and yet criticise the place at every opportunity. Time for you to do the normal Italian thing and put your car in reverse and go back to your yellow cousins in Italy



I’m more of a man that all of you put together.


You’re a yellow coward. Nothing more

You’re the guy who resorts to racism when you’re on the end of some home truths you don’t like.


You haven’t stopped crying since… Bawling your eyes out yesterday over an EPL game…:joy: