The Seething thread

There are a few Hyenas here who prey on any perceived weakness, a sniff of it and they pile in laughing and chewing at the bones.

Lads here fighting like Fr Dougal

And end up a cranky aul cunt like you before my time. No thanks mate You sound like a lad that if you were given a couple hundred grand a year and youd still find something to give out about

Jeez relax pal I was just trying to give you some career advice. You sound like you hate your job youā€™re always moaning about it on here like a cranky aul cunt.

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Theyā€™re not bad lads in fairness, itā€™s not as if theyā€™re the ā€˜usual suspectsā€™.

But shur isnā€™t that what this place is for. Thanks for the advice anyway. You sou God lime you could do with taking yourself up on it.

You sou Good lime you too, pal.


Are you in charge of a load of other fellas who are out on the road as well @iron_mike?
Would you not have a nice comfy office for yourself instead of dealing directly with those cunt supermarket managers, I donā€™t believe there are as much cunts in any other profession, I donā€™t know how you do it

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The answer to your first question is yes. Secondly as regards having g an office, Iā€™d go stone mad. I actually have an extremely cushy number tbh and I appreciate it. Its only when chaps like this take the piss who have it just as cushy on the road is when my job becomes difficult. Supermarket managers have really changed the last few years. Youā€™ll still meet the odd cunt but theyā€™re few and far between nowadays.

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Time to cut the bs with the fella mike.
No need to be thinking of his family or mortgage. Thatā€™s his business. If he want to fuck about thatā€™s on him. Keep the two separate and do what you need to do.
Donā€™t be making these extra issues for yourself.

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Itā€™s fuck or walk.

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He must have got that idea from Fantapants. Aka @Matty_Hislop

Follow the process @iron_mike . Get it on paper. Then see if he changes his tune. Thatā€™s if he hasnā€™t burnt his bridges of course

Bernardo Silva seething that a few Scouser footix/ footixes (have we decided on a plural for footix?) were being childish on the INTERNET.


Bernie has destroyed the lives of a few fellas there.

Tell Us Never

Laporte is seething too

No singsong this year?

Was he the fella singing about Sean Cox?