The Seething thread

It’s your own fault for hiring John Delaney


Describe "poor management " Theres the humain side that always need to be looked at. I’ll always give a lad the benefit of the three strikes rule in so far as we can all fuck up once or twice even in a relatively short period of time. It’s when you realise that you as a manager may as well, have been talking to a brick wall that you have to kick. This is not going to end well I know it but at the end of the day “I’m alright Jack”

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You’re defending your lax management on the internet at half 12 at night mate.fair enough.

I’m trying g (obviously badly I your eyes) to explain why I’m trying (or was trying) to keep a lad (with a mortgage and a young family)in a job that is well paying with plenty of perks only for him to spit in my face .



Not too many LOI games would trouble the 200 attendance mark pre covid

Fully agree, Mike let himself be walked all over

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Fuck him so

I know you are in the supermarkets game, so I have to ask, are these actually reports about breadcrumbs?


I’d give a guess and say left over stock?

No kid. A breadcrumb report is a report that can be run off a tablet which can tell its precise location at any stage during a day. So for argument sake, if you log on and say that you are in Dunnes stores Dungarvan while in actual fact you’re sitting in a pub in Newcastle west, the breadcrumb report will tell you that. Its actually frightening the detail of information you can get as regards movement. You can actually tell if a lad is outside or inside a store at any stage. There are however limitations as to what you can use due to gdpr

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I’ll never bring my tablet to Whelans again.


Fire the cunt and be done with it.If a lad doesn’t want to do his job it’s not your fault.You have to do yours.You’re doing him no favours rubbing his back .


Mike wants to be everyones mate, we all know that type of manager, afraid to make tough decisions in case he upsets someone


And he has all his employees tagged so he knows where they are at all time

Its 2020 kid. You cant just do the the @Juhniallio on it and fuck him out the back of the VW caddy half way down the country

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What if he has a sore back?

It’s a fucking BERLINGO


It sounds like you have the shittiest job a man could think of and also that you are really shit at your job. Would you consider a career change?


@iron_mike hits a minor bump in the road, happens to mention it and lads are piling on to tear strips off him. It’s quite unedifying to watch.