The Seething thread

Incorrect ref Ccfc, Dundalk,

Daily swim cools the head

and chills the bones!!

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Honestly no , I swim near daily in Roberts cove and can honestly say itā€™s still nice

my mother in law swims every day in the 40 foot and is immune to the cold. Iā€™d swim weekly with madame in seapoint and it chills the bones and my mother in law says the water is nice and warm!

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Sheā€™s right I do the same , water temperature doesnā€™t change much ,and a lot of it is in the mind ie if youā€™re dreading it being cold it will be

I did once, but as Baz said, Live in Fingal once but leave before it makes you soft

Seriously, fuck em. Iā€™d not let anyone stop me going swimming to the beach. Just go about your business.

Go in in February and get back to me.

I swim up to Dec and Jan each and every year but February/ March are no nos

Iā€™ve never seen @TheUlteriorMotive as animated as he has been the past couple of days. Heā€™s positively seething.

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Ah he took Phil Hoganā€™s demise very badly. Heā€™s had a tough month.

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Someone fucked a smoothie all over him today

I was reading a novel set in WW1 and it struck me how lads like @EstebanSexface would walk over the top of the trench as a military expert told him that was the best thing to do. Itā€™s also why that kid won 22m in damages during week. Medics are not infallible any more than economists or politicians.

In truth I took a few days off this week and did a few jobs, arrange a bathroom renovation, (painted a front door (you saw that) and a bedroom (you wonā€™t see that). There is a great sense of achievement in completing such tasks. I listened to radio as I worked and I started to apply my considerable mind to the state of our nation and the position we find ourselves in.


I donā€™t think they will, although they did the first time. Itā€™s more that people were out enjoying themselves knowing there was a stretch of pain on the way.

Fuck that. Swim away mate.

I donā€™t think thereā€™s any suggestion by anyone they wonā€™t be allowed swim in the sea.
Only six people allowed in each sea and from not more than three households.
Oceans will be allowed to accommodate 15 people once social distancing is maintained



I donā€™t know what to do with my holiday to Poland. I awake this morning to find that Poland is no longer on the green list, despite having a rate of about half of Ireland (so TFK says anyway).

I had a mate who was supposed to come with me but canā€™t now because heā€™s a civil servant and they wonā€™t let him go to a non-green list country.

I also awake to my Mam giving me shit on whatsapp telling me not to go.

Flight and accommodation and all is booked, Iā€™m not sure what to do. Iā€™ll never live this down if I go and get sick.

Also this morning I was talking to a mate who knows a 34 year old guard in Castleblayney Co. Monaghan who has suffered nerve damage from the corovnavirus and now cannot close his hands tightly enough to lift things. This happened months ago and so far physiotherapy isnā€™t helping.

This green list was an awful balls from the get-go. Iā€™d say a lot of people had tickets for Germany and Poland. You hardly had time to book your ticket before they were taken off the list again.


Donā€™t go.

The choice is yours.