The Seething thread


And would gaa then lose brownie points for all the outbreaks around club championships etc last year and the videos of lads celebrating and no social distancing or the multiple teams showing complete disregard for frontline staff and restrictions by training etc? The gaa shat in the faces of the nurses.


Through a straw …

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He’s having a mental breakdown.

I’ve never seen anything like it

I am devastated that SJ has destroyed the lives of so many wonderful U.S troops.

The far left and SJ supporters don’t feel the same?

He needs to log off for a few hours

Tucker will tell him what to do

you need to own this. SJ is your guy

I think Tucker told him that you need to own it.

Very sad day

He unconcerned about 12 odd people murdered in the US in the last week ?

God bless their souls.

you own all of this. SJ is your guy.

The same nurses that did tommers in nursing homes despite treating covid patients at their day jobs?

He’s in a solid ball of shite on a few threads, what happened?

His account owner had a mental breakdown

Drinking a gallon of horse de-wormer is always a bad idea.

Stop spreading your Anti Vax conspiracy theories.

Get Vaccinated!! It’s the right thing to do.