The Seething thread

Looks like somebody brought a disembodied head.
Or else Croker is haunted.

The ghost of Limerick past

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Cork present?

One of the lads inflatable friends…


Breaking my Balls is after breaking

Keep trying mate, you’ll get there eventually

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Prat Spillane.


The team of the decade thing he backtracked on yesterday

Mega-Seethe envisaged……

All-Ireland final day and Horan has started big Aidan at 14 but he’s gassed by the 45th minute and gets the crooked finger. They’re 5 back at this stage but with their noted doggedness somehow pull it back to 2 by the 66th when Aidan re-appears and they are reduced to hoofing it it. As the clock turns into the red a speculative floater from the late substitute Colm Boyle is plucked from the sky by Aidan who immediately crumbles to the floor allegedly under the weight of Tyrone bodies…

Maurice Deegan, for it his he, awards the penalty that Robbie Hennelly torpedoes to the net….

The scenes afterwards….Jimmy Sloyan becomes football’s equivalent of Buff Egan but there’s mayhem in the media, on the internet and on forum boards. Paddy Prendergast receives the freedom of Kerry.



Im seething. Grown up men acting like babies on the fantasy Super league thread. I’ve never seen anything like it

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From a border town. The man is getting back the year of abuse he dished out to Limerick supporters with change.


Lol, a dig at football at the end, when the quality of the football has been by and large excellent in recent years.

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Got letter of the week too.

You reap what you sow

I pulled a muscle under my shoulderblade (left) whilst turning on my running watch this morning. Seething may be a bit strong, but I’m thoroughly pissed off.

The French are fucking seething with @Fitzy and @Chucks_Nwoko’s crew. Absolutely fucking seething

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Totes auks