The Seething thread

Chances are she’s going to be a lot more comfortable with her name long run than she will be with Dad having a fucking indian-inked face.


It was an Amazon Prime debit that was the culprit the last time my card was cancelled.

Do you not have Revolut? Or PayPal and then transfer to Revolut if Rev is linked to debit card only?

Is she the new White House Correspondent?

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She has left Twitter so maybe that’s her country?

You’d be able to bast her easily. She’s very bastable

There’s an Aisling Bastible works @RTE
Yours is a Bastable

I think you’re thinking of Siobhan.

Aisling is definitely a Basta.

Has she left? Would she bring Ray Darcy with her?

@Blake on the Covid thread. So seething that he went to the bother of making up his own meme. :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

Sure it’s only a bit of fun of a cold January evening

And you’ll probably get a nice post out of it as well

Generally any post that disagrees with me on any topic at all gets at least 13 likes.

It’s tremenjus knowing I have the power to make deeply offended men cower together for moral support like that.


That’s when you know you’ve WON THE INTERNET.

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I won’t give that a like as that would be weak.

Tony H

John odonoghue levels of seethe here in his statement


He might be seething but Id say he wont be out of pocket

I doubt the private sector will be as keen on him as some in DOH were

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