The Seething thread

The French should join up the Chinese

Robinson and Ogbene had a very good night for the Irish footballers.

@Cheasty is seething on a few threads this evening.

Isn’t @Cheasty a huge supporter of the Irish soccer team? Why would he be seething?


Fucking fuck. So I got a text put of the blue from Ulster Bank last night asking if I recognised a transaction for €11 to Amazon Prime. I said no and now my debit card is cancelled. They’re sending me out another one in the post but my post is shite so I’ll be lucky to get it next week. I have only €100 cash left for the weekend. Have to buy petrol with that too. Why the fuck didn’t I say that I recognised that stupid fucking transaction?

Any few quid tucked away in the Revolut vault to tide you over?

go into an ulster bank and withdraw cash the old fashioned way. Bring ID, tell them the story and they’ll give you money from your account

and if you’re too lazy to do that you can always do this

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Can you not do an online transfer to your Revolut?

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It’s always handy to have a second card, I discovered this a couple of years ago when attempted dodgy transactions were detected by my bank and my card cancelled. It was the 23rd of December. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I got my debit card swallowed up by the ATM and drunkenly accidentally cancelled my credit card instead and froze my revolut card :man_facepalming:

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Serves you right for dealing with the Prods

You can withdraw from an atm without the card if you have the app.

Or a JCB


If you could find an ATM.

Is tank not in Dublin. At least he can put petrol in the car to go find one if need be!

Have you no friends to borrow a few quid off?

Google pay? If you have card details…

Some good solutions here, thank you, the miracle of TFK

sign in there @Juhniallio

Bumpity bump.

This fellow is not a happy bunny