The Seething thread



Alan shearer. Was absolutely dying for united to get beaten.

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To counter that youā€™ve got gara Neville every week

Same with Gary Breen at the weekend.

I ordered two eye loupes from Amazon. They only delivered one.
After an arduous complaints process I managed to get a refund

They refunded the price of one loupe, half the vat and half the postage.
Rather than just sending me on another one.

Now I have to reorder and pay full postage again.
And look at all the fecking packaging for one little loupe.

Iā€™m seething hereā€¦

Whatā€™s an eye loupe?

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Someone had to ask

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Magnifier attached to glasses.

Are you inspecting diamonds for the cartel?

Theyā€™re handy for inspecting plants for small bugs like Red Spider Mite.

I got two more to put into wire clips. Should give me my two hands free. Iā€™m getting ready for the summer onslaught of bugs.


If only Ballyseedy had you in the Cactus section


Rishi not taking it at all well

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Itā€™s going to be an awful year. The sooner he calls an election the better.

Heā€™s shown that he cannot lead and heā€™s as bad if not worse than the predecessors


George seems unperturbed.

Steady on. Heā€™s not that bad, albeit hes as bad a UK pm as there has ever been outside of Boris and Truss.
Youā€™d genuinely wonder if he has early dementia. That speech is absolutely bizarre. Anyone who objects to the ongoing genocide by Israel is antidemocratic now apparently. Itā€™s hard to fathom.
Ive long thought that heā€™ll hang on until the last possible day before an election, as he enjoys the trappings of power too much, but heā€™s becoming unhinged.
I initially thought heā€™d be OK. He had a reputation in the city as being a nice person, but itā€™s like the lizard overlords have assumed mind control. Thatā€™s the only plausible explanation for his behaviour.
That or heā€™s trying to throw any spanner he can in the works as he realises that heā€™s gone one way or another, and has to choose between the 1922 committee and the public.

George is an absolute cunt.

That makes him as bad. You knew the other two were useless. He came in and spoke about how good he was, how he was a details man but everything heā€™s done has shown him for what he is. Heā€™s got no principles. He bows down to the lunatics in that party. Iā€™d also question why a man with that wealth wants to be involved in politics because his actions have shown that itā€™s not for the good of the people.


This is true.

Yes. So is Rishi and so is Keir. Is it a real democracy when you are forced to choose between a cluster of cunts?

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I donā€™t think Keir is. I think heā€™s a thoroughly decent person. I think heā€™s wrong in his lily livered approach to the ethnic cleansing of Gaza, absolutely wrong, but Iā€™m equally certain heā€™s being strongly advised to say nothing.
Youā€™ve only to look at the non Dom tax policy which is already being aped by the Tories.
He can do nothing from the back benches. Judge his if heā€™s a PM with a working majority.