The Seething thread

Itā€™s 11 separate ā‚¬2 charges. Would you really be bothered? Similarly I had a boss a few years back who would claim every last cent in expenses, even though he was probably earning around ā‚¬200k per year. Heā€™d get a receipt if he bought a Mars bar on the way to a meeting and would assign a half hour on a Friday afternoon once per month to rifle through them all to make sure he didnā€™t omit anything when putting through his claim. Now Iā€™m doubting myself - maybe my attitude is lax and I should be doing a @caulifloweredneanderthal on it.

No, you were right the first time. If you scrimp and scrounge your way through life you will be miserable.


Would rifling through them not make it more likely that heā€™d omit something?

Now if he combed or pored through them, maybeā€¦

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Youā€™d be alright so long as you didnā€™t fart while they were still in your pocket.

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Pal. My accountant encourages me to do everything to make my tax bill as low as possible.
Between Cork, Dublin, Galway and Limerick, Iā€™ve well over ā‚¬150 in car parking receipts from 2016. I also sometimes ask for a receipt at the tolls.

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Thatā€™s the gist of it mate. Me and your 200k a year boss are living the good life cos weā€™re not getting mugged off by the taxman

Do you claim all the tax credits your entitled to or do you let the taxman keep that money as well?

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Why only sometimes? Why donā€™t you invest in a toll tag if you are in Dublin & Cork etc etc.

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No toll between Cork and Limerick and my business commuting to Dublin isnā€™t that frequent by road. Probably should invest in it all the same.

Probably not. Iā€™m not very assiduous in managing my personal finances. Itā€™s in sharp contrast to the level of analysis and due diligence I conduct in work situations.


Shoddy shoddy behaviour. Id be happy enough to blow a hundred quid in the pub but im fucked if Im letting the revenue get more than they are due

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Iā€™d say revenue havenā€™t heard from you in a while.


I had a swollen ball years ago and freaked out that I had testicular cancer. GP visit, ultra sound or something on my ball in Vincentā€™s, back to GP, referred to ball specialist in Blackrock Clinic, some other scan or other and some ball cupping, a follow up specialist visit to confirm it was nothing untoward after scan results came back. I must have racked up around ā‚¬1k on it and would have been able to claim back a fair chunk of that via the VHI but I forgot to get my claim in before the expiry date for submitting claims for that year. Actually I probably could have claimed some allowable tax expenses for it too now I think about it.


Did the ball go back to itā€™s original size?

Fucking eejit

You can still claim the tax credit for it within 5 years of claim. You dont need receipts unless they audit you

Would the fact that it was a wild goose chase not go against your claim there? Serious question

No of course not

Good to know, Iā€™ve had VHI for about 15 years but havenā€™t even been to the doctor bar the VHI clinic for an NCT last year,

It would be some disincentive to take proactive action about ones health if they stung you with the bill if you werent ill.

You really took your eye off the ball there, mate.