The Seething thread

I would like to know who this Francis fellow is. Is he a figure of authority when it comes to rugby matters or is it just some tabloid journalist sensationalising things?

Give me two minutes, mate.

Huh you tagged me in sone mysterious post pal I havent a fucking clue who Frances is. Twas only as a pure courtesy to you i responded

Ah here hes hardly after bringing Neil francis to the conversation is he :joy::joy::joy::joy::+1::joy::joy::joy:

There you go - cc @gilgamboa

Neil francis ah sweet jaysus

Can you deal with the point? I’ve no idea who he is but why are RTE so concerned with his opinions?

It turns out he is an ex international turned pundit - and the lads here are trying to discredit him as a tabloid sensationalist

Sweep sweep

You mean Franno. You wouldn’t want to be taking a fellow who defected from Blackrock College to Old Belvedere too seriously, yet alone a lad who got knocked out by Tony Copsey.

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Sweep sweep

Your friend Neil thinks we are stil getting the world cup too kid

What do you think of his view we are still getting the world cup. Dont discredit him now kid :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

I know nothing about the man – he’s one of your own and you and @GeoffreyBoycott refuse to engage with the point he is making.

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You know nowt about him but yet brought him into a conversation and tagged us and now bleating about his view being discredited.

Your a gas ticket. They should have kept you on the meds after the wedding

He said Buni taki getting a call up is morally corrupt - and you are unwilling to engage with the point and are shooting off on bizarre tangents instead.

You’re the one that needs meds.

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Personally, I don’t agree with the rule and it is up for review before the IRB and is expected to be changed. Whether its right or wrong, or whether you agree with it or not, it is currently on the statute book. It is tabloid sensationalism to talk of adhering to a rule as ‘morally’ wrong.

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Thanks for having the moral courage to address the point, Geoff.

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@gilgamboa - is having a mental break down.

The ruck inspector .

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What is THe Ruck Inspector saying about Mary Immaculate ?