The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Would you think the lads having the row on O’Connell St were on the way back from Chapter One


Desperate that there are only the two guards in Dublin.

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One of the lads had work pants on? Strange…

Passing distance from storestreet Station too

:clap: :clap:

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Do not compare Dublin to New York or London. Ever.

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Is he the fella from the Fyre Festival?

Do you think someone needs to explain about jobs to him?

I think he’s talking about the “digital nomads” cohort, who we are apparently trying to attract.

Any subtitles going


Garda should have picked him up again and hopped him off the ground. Pissing in the wind, but great to see.
I wonder what the peanut head in PBP will say about this…


Lovely snapshot here, maybe is there hope for Dublins fair City yet


You’d be mad to live anywhere else in Ireland other than Dublin.


Most posters on here are fucking mental. Adds up.

A justified protest or a superspreader event? I’m not sure

Good craic in that video from Mizzoni’s in Ballymun