The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

It’s quite reasonable to believe the fellas in the drugs trade would know where to source a weapon

A member of Sinn Fein

PM me. I’ll get you a gun. You didn’t get it from me though :wink:


Ok, I’ll ask, seeing as nobody else did.

Why do you want a gun?

To shoot something or someone, obviously

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I was just wondering. He’s already posted it twice.

I’m expecting him to post it in the Marriage Difficulties thread later on.


I reckon he’s an incel

It’s spelled imbecile pal

I’m slightly suspicious about the Jack Wooley story.

His story is that he was standing quietly on the street and a group of junkies walked over and attacked him out of the blue. Never happened to me and I’ve been drinking in Dublin 15 odd years but I dont wear those trousers. I dont trust anyone who dresses like that. He was going through a rough patch in his life, he’s dealing with the biggest failure of his life.

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Johnny Cooper met a similar fate on night. You must just look very hard and intimidating.

It’s a total nonsense story. He got one slap. He blew it up all out of proportion by basically live streaming his experience in A&E.

Anyone who needs to do that is merely an attention seeker.


People get randomly punched in the face in Dublin regularly enough.

It’s not a great advertisement for Taekwondo though.


Driving through Dublin today. It’s all bus lanes and bike lanes. Not nice for cagers.


It’ll be some craic when lads are forced back into office and out from under the bed.

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No it’s no wonder he got knocked out of the Olympics after about 10 seconds.


It’s brutal. The quays in particular are a disaster zone for the cagers.

Hopefully the families and sick children going to the new Children’s Hospital can get there on public transport or cycle.

Cheers mate

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Its the cagers putting the kids in hospital mate

Stop de kindermoord

The LUAS Breadline is no place for children