The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

I can see why they wouldn’t be in a hurry.

I would have thought someone good enough for Olympic Taekwaondo would be OK out and about in Dublin.

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His Olympic outfit might have offered more protection than the greaser jacket and a pair of trousers two sizes too small for him.

A lot of very unsavoury comments in this thread today.


Anyone who watched Horizon Tokyo would get a sense that Jack is a genuine young lad. I think @TheUlteriorMotive was posting about him in a positive light recently for work he’s done with kids taekwondo clubs.

He was one of 32 lads to qualify for the Olympics in the sport & weight. Yet the lads who spend their time taking photos of pints and fried breakfasts are the voice of authority on his success, or lack of it.

TFK at its finest.


Dublin is a very violent place


Pray @balbec makes it out in one piece

God no , too busy too big too impersonal

He didn’t react; 8/9 of the scrotes
My kids a black belt for years, well able to rock but he like any martial arts expert will walk away mostly


The opposite in fact- u don’t take on 8 scrotes u try and calm it, also his injuries are superficial, he’d take any 2/3 on no sweat but a gang possibly armed no way

Nowadays, I don’t think thats feasible, mate.

If you’re in a row, you give it to the cunts.


Know I would but I’m old school, I’ve instilled in mine to walk away until impossible to do so then if pushed to the limit knock the fuckers out and scarper

If there’s 8 or 9 scumbags, potentially with knives, it would be idiotic to attempt to fight back.


It’s a really horrible shagging world the young have to survive in atm

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Thats the way its gone now in Dublin

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That’s my point exactly, only option is to remain calm( training)
Try to diffuse, at least one or 2 of the attackers might cool

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I don’t think kids should just stand there and take it either though. Most of those cunts are cowards too.

Get your few boxes in and run for it if needs be by all means would be my advise.

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Parts of Cork the same

Well said

Dublin is fucked. You walk down o connell Street and you see these scrotes run the place

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