The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Crime scene with forensics currently on St Stephens Green East

What happened?

Not sure. They are there for last hour and a half. Markers down on ground and area cordoned off.

Leo has had another coffee thrown at him by one of his own again Iā€™d imagine.

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Look over there. Itā€™s FG.

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Row in the Snug spilled over after @anon98850436 interrupted the morning sing a long


I genuinely dont know how ye do it up there lads

Same as yourselves down there Iā€™d imagine but we wash ourselves more often.

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Rental homes in Dublin are a way of extorting the deposit savings of the young.


Itā€™s mostly like everywhere else, people had a bit of extra cash and invested in something they understood.

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Speaking of which. Anyone know the inside scoop here?

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For most of the major multi-nationals, the CEO most definitely doesnā€™t live in Ireland or is Irish. At least the software/IT/social media organisations anyway

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@Tassotti ?



Wasnā€™t there some tax incentive devised to encourage overseas CEOs to come here to set up Irish branch of operation ? SARP or something ?

Edit :
What are the conditions to qualify?

Thanks for this one Tim


Whatā€™s going in there?