The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Hotel. Retail. Offices. A bit of everything.

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Dublin is turning into a hotel


Theyā€™re getting rid of all the cultural stuff to build hotels so that more people can come and visit Dublin and sample its famous cultural, eh, hotel, offering.


What culture? The Guinness brewery and a couple of crusties busking on Grafton Street. Thereā€™s nowt to do in Dublin except drink.


Itā€™s a load of bollox. One big homogeneous set of buildingsb

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What culture exactly the way itā€™s going (at the risk of sounding like Una mullaly, but she is absolutely right in my view).

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Looks great.

Oā€™Connell street is a monument to the failure of lads like Owen Keegan.

No vision or multi decade plan to be great and audacious. Just petty.

Itā€™s sad to walk down it and see how it ended up and the potential it had to be a great European Street - Noonan Boulevard


We need a new Wide Streets Commission


Lock down your aerial

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There isnā€™t much between it and the Champs Elysees in fairness.

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Looting half the world builds a better class of wide street.

Looting half the country clearly not enough

Sure weā€™re paying for white elephant roads and mica mansions. Is it any wonder our own gaff is falling down.

Weā€™re like a separated father living above a Spar while the estranged wife is living the high life. On our dime

That may apply in some other cases but Iā€™m not sure it applies here.

It was a fairly average department store beforehand - not much in the way of ā€œcultureā€ there to my mind.

Arguably if they do a good job it might start some effort at rehabilitating Oā€™Connell street which definitely needs it.

You can always be relied upon to defend the capitalists. Fair play to you.

Ireland would have been part of the empire when that street was built. Saxons didnā€™t careā€¦

I think what went on at Clerys in relation to the workers was appalling and they were rightly called out at the time and pursued.

I also think that calling the old Clerys ā€œcultureā€ is a bit of a stretch.

Itā€™s a nuanced but not unreasonable position. I can understand why youā€™d struggle with it.


Was Clerys a capitalist department store or a co-op not for profit cultural one?

Dublinā€™s culture is its people and pubs and music and theatres and sport. Thatā€™s what people come for.

Not an aul department store selling the sort of jacket @Horsebox and @Bandage might wear



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A major cultural landmark, beloved by those who get to decide these things, it would seem.