The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Galway 6th best city in Europe, Cark and Limerick down around 30. Be more pacific mate.


I see Trieste came second there. Would love to visit some day

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The cunts compiling it never had to drive anywhere in Galway :smiley:


Or deal with the macnas heads

James Joyce’s old stomping ground
Worked there for a few days


I thought that was Clanbrassil street, no? (The Jewish area in Dublin)

The song that mentikns capel st is about Dublin i think

Beautiful city. Spend a day there once waiting on a flight.

A decent dubalin towan version, if you will.

Time judges were called to account in this country.

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Sad to see such a decline in our Capital City

Half of all renters are getting HAP.

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I think that’s in certain areas - Arklow
is one. Nationally it’s one in 5.

It’s only outageous because successive FF/ FG monopoly refused to bloody build and ppl in fairly decent jobs can’t even get a foot on the property ladder
Whereas most on HAP are stuck in the middle
Blackmailed into paying extra under the table to greedy bastards monthly
Rent goes up and up
All HAP tenants are officially off the housing lists so the real amount of ppl in need of shelter is far greater


Dublin’s answer to Stonehenge. Amazing.

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I’m not getting that.
Is it that they are using the drain as a toilet or something?

Al Fresco dining within a stone’s throw of one of the capital’s primary tourist attractions. What’s not to like?