The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

A lot to unbox here, attempted, child snatching, flashing, 2 different forms of racism, cork levels of lunatics, local dubs and fighting. All on the main street of Dublinā€¦

Just another day in our nationā€™s capital.

God itā€™s an awful kip. Walked down Moore street the other day. Could have been in a third world country

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Lads shooting up all down the Quays. Is anything going to be done to clean it up a little? City Centre must be unliveable.

I really noticed it on Sundayā€¦ The city centre is rough as fuck. A kip of a city.


Itā€™s gone so much worse since Covid IMO. Iā€™m in there most days and was in a good bit during Covid. Tramps had the run of the place during Covid and thatā€™s continued on. You wouldnā€™t see a guard from one end of the city to another.
The Quays is like hamsterdam. Dereliction everywhere. Scummers never crossed the city much, now theyā€™re everywhere.
Must be at least 10 units on Grafton Street vacant.


Big population there - youā€™re going to have head bangers. It is the same everywhere in fairness.

There is lovely parts of Dublin too.

That is just the ways things are. Limerick can be the same around the train station there, Cork and Galway too.

I wouldnt fancy being a garda. Worst job in the world dealing with the likes of that day in day out.


Dublin was the happening city in Europe one time. The place to be. It even hosted the MTV music awards. Not anymore, no one gives a fuck about it now least of all those living in itā€™s leafy suburbs. Itā€™s sad

Itā€™s shockingā€¦ I wouldnā€™t let a dog live rough there.


I was appalled by some of the scenes I witnessed on O Connell street last Sunday

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18 empty units on Grafton Street when I counted about a month ago. Only going to get worse Iā€™m afraid. Iā€™d say a lot of small businesses in the city centre will struggle through the summer and then go wallop when we hit the winter unfortunately. Shops, cafes, restaurants and pubs have seen massive drops in footfalls which is unsustainable and is permanent if lads like @Julio_Geordio get their way and spend the rest of their working life at home wanking on their couch. Who wouldā€™ve thought that deliberately shuttering an economy for nigh on 18 months would have had such disastrous consequences.

On that video that chap clearly has mental health issues and should receive treatment. The city centre, which was never great particularly in Dublin 1, has gone to absolute shit since lockdowns. Thereā€™s still parts of Dublin that are fantastic but the problems here are only getting worse and it is fast becoming unliveable for anyone who doesnā€™t own their own gaff. I cycled out to Seapoint this evening for a swim and didnā€™t bother locking my bike. Lovely part of the world especially when the sun is shining. Most parts of Dublin 4, 6 and 8 are fantastic and obviously a lot of south county Dublin is very affluent. Similarly there are parts of north Dublin like Clontarf, Malahide, Howth, Portmarnock, etc which would be great places to raise a family but house prices are insane but the city centre is in real trouble and has a turbulent few years ahead.


Is it only junkies and foreigners in the city centre?

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Dont worry lads @TheUlteriorMotive will be along any minute with a bloomberg link telling us dublin is the best city in the universe.

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Whats the story Blinky? Do the Dubs just not care about the city centre anymore? Is it a lockdown thing you reckon

Pretty much, along with a load of scobies living in flats. The gas thing is a normal joe soap couldnt dream of affording to live in the city centre, not that youā€™d want to now.

I dont understand how the businesses and politicians tolerate what the city centre has become. Gangs of feral youths rampaging around the place terrorising people, junkies strolling around out of their minds, alcoholics and homeless in every doorway, shambolic.

The boardwalk must be the most idotic idea of all time. If you purpose built a place to deal drugs you couldnt come up with anything better. A high wall to conceal your activities, plenty of time to react if the cops are coming and the liffey to get rid of anything before youre caught. It should be knocked into the liffey with all the cunts that hang out there in situ.

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That was pretty much always the case for Dublin 1 since Iā€™ve lived here mate but it has been replicated on the south side now too since lockdowns. Before I lived in Dublin my experience of it would have been mainly confined to going to matches in Croke Park and anyone who only experiences that wouldnā€™t have a great view of Dublin as itā€™s just Dublin 1 and 3 which isnā€™t great but thereā€™s lovely parts of Dublin too. You have a very closed mind though and itā€™s something Iā€™ve been working on to open since Iā€™ve known you but alas I have failed. Thereā€™s more to this world than the road from Cork to Limerick and Mrs Sullivanā€™s timeshare in Elvira and I urge you to experience it before itā€™s too late.


Oh no wont somebody please think of the hedgefunds


The hedge funds that own all of the small independent businesses? Get off that couch you cunt and get this country going again.