The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Is there any way i can blame this on Fine Gael?


There is literally no small independent business on Grafton street FFS. Get a grip.
Retail is fucked. Has been for a long time.

Fine Gael voters in the leafy suburbs would be the descendants of the middle classes who fled from the city. So yes.

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Moyross isnt the city centre. O connell street should be a highlight of Dublin and the country as a whole. There always be troubled areas but jesus dont have it as the main area of a city centre. Patricks street in cork is getting as bad as o connell street too. Its not just a problem for Dublin but its a few years ahead in that sense

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Thatā€™s a pity, Iā€™ve never noticed much trouble on Patrickā€™s Street but Iā€™d be on it rarely enough.
It used to be a lovely street anyway, I thought it still was though I know that the side and parallel streets are much trendier
Oā€™Connell street was always a bit of a Kip,

There are also two and possibly three methadone clinics within a ten minute shuffle of Oā€™Connell Street. They are easier to place there than in a leafy suburb

I remember being in Rome probably a decade ago and crossing one of the many bridges over the Tiber and there was a small group of persistent beggars/junkies on the bridge. We had barely stepped a few metres onto the bridge when two vans pulled up at speed and a bunch of Carabinieri leapt out and promptly fucked them all into the back of one of the vans and drove off. They were literally disappeared in a puff of smoke. Where they ended up who knows? But the police certainly didnā€™t mess about when it came to keeping the centre of Rome free of what they might have termed as undesirables.

Whilst I lament the state of Oā€™Connell Street, it has never felt like the real centre of Dublin to me and I doubt many other Dubs either.

College Green is the centre piece of Dublin, where you can enjoy the finest chicken fillet rolls on the planet.

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Nothing wrong with wanting to be beside the sea.

What would you be doing walking through a housing estate out in the suburbs. Youā€™d only have to walk up Oā€™Connell Street in Limerick and come to the same conclusionā€¦ I was there recently for the first time in a long time and it was dog rough.

I note you excluded the cafes, pubs, restaurants from my post as well as the smaller shops on streets not on Grafton street and just focused on the multinationals on Grafton Street. If you think thereā€™s nothing wrong with the main shopping street of the capital being decimated, empty units everywhere and full of beggars and covered in shit (literally shit everywhere) then I canā€™t help you pal.


Im not sure what the shit on the streets has to do with people working from home? Are they going into the city centre for a shit or what the fuck are you on about?
Retail is dead. Adapt or die

You wouldnā€™t make it past LIT kid. Theyā€™d smell the weakness off you

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Fellas saying O Connell Street was always a kip as long as they can remember.
Thats ok then

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The new Brown Thomas in Dundrum is thriving. Dundrum itself is always busy.

Retail in city centres depends on people being able to drive in and park in a reasonable location for a reasonable price. When retail leaves the city centres and it will, who will pay the rates and take their places - probably be hotels.

This is grim reading. Iā€™ll have to bring up the cattle prod tomorrow evening to keep the junkies and scumbags off me.


Tell me more about this. Is this the Centra with the new fancy outdoor dining terrace?

It wasnā€™t. There was a time when Henry Street, Arnotts, Clerys, the cinemas, one of the early McDonalds in Ireland all made Oā€™Connell Street and itā€™s environs a place to visit and shop. You had Peats electronics, the Ilac centre, bars like Zanzibar and Pravda were the first super bars in Ireland, Virgin Megastore on the quays across the way, little boutiques in GPO arcade and the area was flourishing (insofar as anywhere in Ireland could be) in the late 80s and early 90s.

The town planners who effectively closed off the south side traffic to the north side killed Oā€™Connell Street without thinking people would just stop travelling to the area as shoppers like to drive and park.

Building 3 methadone clinics around it hasnā€™t helped either.


Since covid it has taken more of a turn, particularly when the shops close. It is a pity tbf

If you pedestrianised o connell street to college green and the also carry out the plan for college green it would be fantastic. All will rely myself and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy banning private cars between the canals or at least a congestion charge. They are not far from each other

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