The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Ah yes correct.

The White Water rafting facility would have been great. I saw some people cringing at it - “what about all the high powered people working in the IFSC looking out the window at that?!!”

No bother at Rockefeller where the traditional ice skating during the winter months is now used for rollerskating. They look so happy, you’d have the young lads “working in finance” (data entry) gasping to get down to join in the fun.

I’m dubious. Policing cannot solve all the problems, it needs varied footfall.

That won’t just come by making it an open air market.

The likes of the Iveagh Markets should be a Time Out place already.

It’s a bit of both, but if o Connell street for the most part was pedestrianised, enclosed and safe, it’d be a build it and they’ll come. Altrincham markets show what can be done.

It can’t be enclosed. You’re comparing an indoor market to a boulevard.

I meant enclosed in a way that some cnut can’t come flying through on an electric scooter, bike or scrotorbike.
Enclosed such that it’s an open air space.
Alty isn’t enclosed as such. Didsbury has a great little spot which is just a row of restaurants with a wide antique glass and wrought iron canopy. It’s always busy. There has to be no menace though, hence the policing.

The LUAS runs through it and it is basically the only way for buses to cross the Liffey.

This is where any such market should be.

It basically isnt the only way for buses to cross the Liffey. You’re seeking out excuses and problems.

It pretty much is for the central spine of the city.

There absolutely needs to be buses going down it. The Rosie Hackett already has the LUAS. It has buses using it but does not have the capacity for the volume that Dublin has. They’re the only viable bridges in the city. Butt Bridge is too around the houses.

You’d have said exactly 100% the same about Grafton Street. People said exactly 100% the same about shop street.

Nope, Grafton Street was always too narrow but has two streets adjacent that do the job.

I don’t mind taking more road space but cutting out buses from OCS can’t happen unless there is a tunnel. I’m not against banning cars from the city either but we need accessible public transport.

Capel Street just got pedestrianised fully which makes a lot of sense.

O’Connell st has always been a thoroughfare

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To be honest O’Connell St DUB is as close to a pedestrian street as a street open to cages can be. Any time I’ve crossed it recently you can saunter across it at your leisure without waiting for any traffic lights. There is also a tonne of pedestrian space on the footpaths and in the middle.


That was the intention of the Wide Street Commission alright.

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Agreed. It also differs from the likes of Capel Street and South William in the demand for full pedestrianisation in that it is incredibly big. The shop units are not fit for purpose for small businesses. I don’t think Flatty has considered just how large it is.

Even if someone like a Brewdog were to take a chance on it, that would be maybe 2%-3% of the street.

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It was remarkable how quiet Dublin was last night.

I guess it was a good sort of busy tbf. all the beer gardens were open in every pub and the lack of college students also was noticeable. Freshers week used to always coincide with with hurling final.

A timely reminder of how great a city Dublin is for a few pints anyway.

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Traffic volumes are only 6% down on 2019 in Dublin according to the July CSO bulletin.

I am seeing this in the US as well, traffic backed right up at all hours and it worse than ever.

All this despite more people working from home than ever. Is the WFH revolution really only delivering a 6% decline?

It seems to me that there’s people who went back to their car during the pandemic who have no interest in going back to public transport and their old routine. I’ve noticed that commuter trains and boats are far quieter in the US, but that is partly due to the asinine way that they price public transport. It can be as cheap for two commuters to park for the day downtown as it would be for one person to take a 45 minute train both ways.

Minister Ryan’s work on reducing fares was excellent but more needed I think. In some ways the fact that taxi prices are spiralling (and the service is shit) along with fuel going up more will just make the decision for people to get onto PT. The introduction of the reduced fare already had an impact;

Now is the time to go even further. A €1 90 minute fare would be incredible for PT in our towns and cities. Time for a congestion charge and taxing of public servants car parks again. Too many people are happy to sit in a traffic jam once or twice a week again. Get on with it @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


Its a great city for a night out.

Was the queue for Cassidy’s bad?

I can’t get my head around fellas going to tinpot places like Kilkenny/Limerick/Ennis etc for a night when they could see and do it all above in Dublin.

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I was in Ryans by 19:30. It was fairly empty tbh. By half 9 it was filled up. I went to flannerys then after that.

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All depends on lodgings, age, funds and what you want out of a night out.
Killarney, Galway for me, at my age, would suit me for a night out. KK can be a bit rough!