The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Lads love a night out in Dublin but complain of the GAA gouging spectators :rofl:


9 euros for a month long public transport ticket in Germany. Would be great to have that here

Charging for public sector car parking should be brought in inmediately


It wouldnt cost the tax payer too much. A good investment forbthe return

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As someone who used to get Irish Rail to work pre pandemic, costing 250 after tax was deducted, 9 euros a month sounds amazing.


Sure a lot of the rural lads are afraid of their scutter to come to Dublin.


They are.

I was only trying to get my good pal @endakenny to go see Chris O’Donnell (the Camden Street Luke Kelly) and Rake The Ashes in Cassidys last week, but the prospect terrified him.


If they don’t see a supermacs or a centra on a street they shit themselves

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They might have to ate sushi :hot_face::hot_face:

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Funny story, a South Dublin GAA Club had a crowd of Culchies up from the sticks for an U9 Hurling Go Games Blitz. The mammies were asked to do a bit of a spread for the boggers, your usual bits and bobs.

The muck savages arrived in after anyway mad for the ateing. Only to be confronted with a hape of sushi wraps and prawn sandwiches.

Poor aul fuckers were in McDonalds within the hour.


Oul uncooked Donegal catch - muck

is prawn sandwiches a thing?

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Dublin is a shit city by every metric


I believe it is. I was sent a picture of the sushi wraps at the time, fairly sure the prawns were there in the background

So Tipp lads go to Dublin to Tipperary owned establishments to drink with other Tipp lads? Some waste of money and some carbon footprint they’re leaving

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There is a joke in there about sisters and cousins but I am too self-satisfied with Limerick hurling to be bothered.


and probably thump the shit out of each other as well.

Shut this is half the Craic. Should they go to fucking Cafe En Seine?

It is for this story …

A classic apocryphal tale.

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I’m a classics guy