The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Brought the kids up last Saturday on the train for the day. We had plenty of time so walked from Houston into town , passed a fella injecting himself in a door way with what I presume were heā€™s children trying to cover it.
Fucking cesspit

Itā€™s actually bananas how lawless central Dublin feels on an average night. Or even day. Often wonder what tourists make of it. Then quickly put it out of my mind. As a capital city itā€™s an embarrassment. Plenty lawlessness in other capitals but they usually keep it out of the city centre. By any means necessary.

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ā€¦ An they didnā€™t even have a Chicken Hut Joe


I absolutely love Dublin.


Sweep sweep?

Dublin used to be great for firing the homeless junkies and beggars out to the likes of Rathmines and Phibsboro when Christmas shopping season came about. Be very sad if they didnā€™t keep that lovely tradition

Thatā€™s Oā€™Connell Street bridge junction, arguably the busiest place in Ireland for foot traffic. That went on for 2 minutes and 20 seconds, looks like it had been going on for a minute or two before the footage started and probably went on after the video ended. Not a garda to be seen. Fucking useless cunts.


In fairness lad, youā€™re a guard and you have sfa to use to intervene with or defend yourself, would you put yourself out there as a guardian of the peace?

Itā€™s the officialdom/governance/management/judiciary thatā€™s useless.

Incredible scenes

Itā€™s their job though. Plenty of other countries in the world where cops donā€™t have guns where the busiest tourists spots are not full of junkies shooting up and rolling around pawing each other. Youā€™d bate those 2 zombies with your cap, itā€™s not exactly putting yourself in mortal danger.


Ah I dunno. Iā€™ve seen them in action and if my son/daughter was a member of the force in Dublin Iā€™d be telling them clock in and keep your head down, hands in yer pockets. No ones getting medals for handling these individuals, spitting, biting, scraping, carrying syringes.
Clean up squads is whatā€™s needed, load them onto big paddywagons straight to sterilisation units.

62 million to improve the public realm in fairview is met with disgust by cagers and councillors

Pass by the Merchants Quay methadone clinic and thereā€™s open dealing\using going on in full view of the corporation head office. Iā€™ve often seen Garda cars pass by with nothing done. All I can think of is Colvins idea in the Wire about New Amsterdam, keep everything in one area and out of sight of the majority of people. As regards the ā€˜fightā€™ thereā€™s usually a few cops a hundred yards down the street towards the GPO, surely they would have seen the commotion?

You get a better class of street entertainment on the southside of the the Liffey.

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Thatā€™s theyā€™re fuckin job.


Itā€™s not an easy job being a guard but if thatā€™s your attitude you shouldnā€™t be in the job


Need to get these lads involved (if they are still around)


I met that dude years ago! A great fella to chat.


I agree to a point so give them the tools to do it. A builder isnt allowed on a building site without PPE, training and tools. Gardai havent much more to go to work with. Iā€™d almost argue that a builder is possibly better equipped. Which is more lethal? A baton? A hammer? Or a syringe?

Thereā€™s far more builders killed and injured each year doing their jobs than Gardai.

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