The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

At least you dumped your cans in the bin when challenged by the railway security man.

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Vile little wankers. Fuck the parents too.

They did not lick it off the stones

Crowds leaving an absolute mess behind them is really unique to this generation :sweat_smile:

Who said that

They havent hands to wipe their arses.

Joe Duffy had a few locals on moaning about this today. I think the tut tutting on here was actually worse.

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Wtf is an animal like that doing in this country?
Dublin is a Kip
Gardai need to get a fuckin grip

When I was walking to Croke Park Sunday there was a fella walking against me, t shirt off, blood pissing down his face, walked right in front of a squad car, not an eye batted by him or the guards and they both went in opposite directions

I had a similar experience once after having a nosebleed whilst out drinking. People passing me must have thought I’d gotten the head pucked off me

Sounds like he was minding his own business, maybe you should have done the same?

Or did you want some?


Dublin is finished


You’d want your head examined going down O’Connell street, not a pleasant place at all.

Surely could have 7 or 8 pairs of Gardai continuously patrolling the street


Not around the soup kitchen/drug dealing central outside the GPO.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy in the grey sweatshirt like he’s on a Harley


Dublin is gone to the dogs in fairness. Stayed up there the night of the All Ireland and there was chaos on every street.

You couldn’t pay me to live there.

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Here come the Bridie’s and Nuala’s again telling breathless tales about the night they stayed in Dublin for the big match.