The Shame I feel about Dublin as my ๐Ÿ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

yer man on the bus with the matching colour top and bottoms and the half sleeve :joy::joy:

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โ€œya fuckin crackheadโ€ :joy:


Fair Fucks the Cork guy

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Does the green bus go to cork? I thought it was limerick then onto tralee or ennis.

The blue aircouch was cork. I could be wrong

I am guessing Killarney accent or Kerry? It goes to Tralee or Killarney I think.

brilliant. sums them up.

Yeah dont think ive seen it in cork but i know i goes on past Limerick. Notorious for breaking down

What were the bus driver and the dub saying in the original exchange?

Bus driver: how much is a bag
Junkie. 100
Bus driver: go way and shite
Junkie: it is what it is
Bus Driver: ah bollocks heres on a redneck, pretend weโ€™re fighting


I know itโ€™s not fully finished but since the hoarding came down the plaza at the old central bank is extremely underwhelming.

The whole city is underwhelming

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Is there a fresh batch of donuts ready yet?

Thereโ€™s so many rooftop restaurants under construction in Dublin, they all wonโ€™t last and not in the Windows of the World sense.

Rooftop restaurants will keep the riff raff from tapping tables for smack money.

Dublin City Council seem to be on a remarkable run of making the wrong decision in every single instance for 10 years in a row.

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Soulless all round.

Am sure wonโ€™t be exclusive to Dublin in time

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Everyone in that queue should be shot dead


Whatโ€™s a pret manger?

A little extreme but, yeah, sure, Iโ€™m in

A British Starbucks