The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Jesus Christ.

You’ve obviously never been in the UK so

Not since 2016 when i let my Liverpool season ticket go.


Numbers pretty high from Galway seeing as we were never actually conquered. Very decent to help our neighbours.


The Brits love a premade sandwich


A new low for Dublin

Fucksake. Mediocre sandwiches, freezing cold and with very little between the two slices of cardboard style bread.

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A new low for Dublin

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Lowest of all counties on the Western seaboard?

Like i said we were never conquered, there’s never been an orange hall in Galway for example, so given that it really didn’t concern us an admirable level of benevolence

As we’ve always known, the Eastern seaboard are a shower of useless bed wetting cunts.


Being part of Britain didn’t concern ye?

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I’ve been there once, about 16 years ago… In London. I was so impressed with it I enquired about buying a franchise a few weeks later but they’d no plans for Ireland at that stage. This was 2006 when I was naive fella in his 20s and anything was possible!!

Sounds like standards have slipped since.


Correct but I’d allow a reprieve for @Spidey, he doesn’t get out much


Part of Britain my hole. A few garrison towns that they quivered in. The countryside was always self run. Now Tipperary on the other hand

The city that fought an empire myth fairly exploded

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Did anyone ever believe that? They’re called the jacks for good reason.

Thanks bro. Room for 12 lads next Saturday night after a spin around Connemara?


You know it


It fell so low that at one point you could pretty much buy a season ticket for about a pound a day, giving you unlimited hot drinks.