The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Does anyone remember a place called Honest to Goodness that was in George’s Arcade. Tiny place. Just take away. They had a favourite called a ‘Sloppy Joe’ just sold on a Friday’which was a thing of glory.

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Yeah they were in Dame court for a while too. Cracking rambos

Rocko Curtis.

£2.50 a coffee is what about €3 hardly a great deal? Then fucking €6 a coffee the next month. The fuck do they normally cost?? Pret is just awful. O’Briens would be nicer, and that’s fucking awful as well

The GPA need to act on Pret encroaching into the lucrative coffee/snack market currently cornered by intercounty stars.


you’d get a much better sandwich in one of the greasy spoons or delicatessans over in the UK and they’re all over the high streets, usually called Tony’s or Frank’s.

There was no IRA in 1911. I presume they mean Irish volunteers, which is a slightly different thing. All the lads from Clare must have signed up for the Somme and never came home

Irish Volunteers was 1913. National Volunteers was before that

Is 1911 used for the breakdown as it was the last reliable census?


There must be a good explanation of what figures they are basing it on. Im almost sure thats from that massive atlas book that came out a few years ago.

the next census after 1911 was 1926 - so that graph is most likely a representation of Ireland sometime between 1919-1926 of men who were between the ages of 15 and 55 in 1911 census. Good catch

I doubt there was a question on the 1911 census asking if you were in the 'RA

That’s right. Big place. Wasn’t too pricey either for the quality of the nosh.

I remember when that place was all fields…etc etc!

It was super. Used to work round the corner and get the soup and sambo deal for lunch. Sloppy joe fridays were savage alright. Sensational stuff.

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Dinty Moores on Westmoreland St was about the cheapest place in Dublin to eat. Mick Dunne, the cheap cunt, used to eat there every day on his lunchbreak from his insurance job. The Coffee Inn on Sth Anne Street was a great place for a restorative bowl of spaghetti bolognese. Solomon Grundys had a giant pig sitting in the middle of the restaurant.

Slatterys used to do a chicken curry 50/50 (chips/rice) before they went all upmarket

Five hot drinks a day for ÂŁ25 a month is the subscription.
I hope you’re not an accountant.



George Hook?


I missed the a day part. Okay, that’s fairly savage so in fairness I take it all back. Would be worthwhile going in £5 each with a few workmates and getting a coffee each every day.