The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Far stricter policing of all levels of crime. 3 strikes then off you go to prison, no more dozens of “minor offences” before seeing a cell. Fine parents.

Carrot and stick approach.


Stricter policing is a very generic answer.

Argument to be made about sentencing in the courts to be fair.

Fining the parents is a waste of time. You clearly have no idea of the clientele we’re dealing with here.

This proved a real success elsewhere.

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It’s really not that generic. Go around Dublin and see the lack of policing on the streets, including active avoidance of areas by AGS.

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And soft touch policing has proven to be a smashing success in the likes of Barcelona.

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Stricter policing to me would mean allowing Gardai to have guns. A bit hyperbolic but you know what I mean.

You’re saying having more guards will solve the problem?

I can’t see how it solves the underlying problem. Scrotes are going to be scrotes no matter what. Unless you have eyes on them 24/7.


What in the name a jaysus.
What could his point possibly be there?

There is a lack of visible policing in Dublin. There are areas they actively avoid.

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It has mixed results in the US because they rarely employ the carrot.

There are plenty of parts of the US with virtually no crime, where there is strong local policing of any anti social behaviour. And that’s not just the “armed society is a polite society” parts of the south, that includes the north east. There are also parts of the north east that are crime ridden hell holes.

The US is not a good example of anything on this due to different social order.

That guy supports Putin torching Ukrainian civilians to death so it isn’t much of a surprise he’d support burning down a children’s playground.

Munich is a good example of strict policing in Europe. Crime rates have fallen last 5 years.

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Looks like a Canada Goose jacket. :thinking:

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Dublin is some shithole got


Vigilantes is only answer here

Take back control


Load them up every day like the Italians do and fuck them out in the Naul and let them make their own way back in.

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A kip.

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When was o connell st the crown jewel of Dublin city ffs.

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