The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

These lads arenā€™t trying to send any message to wider society. Sometimes they just like to fuck shit up.

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Some cunts just wanna watch the world burn

Deep fried.

Poor bastard. They were doing a fair speed when they clipped him.


The scrote driving the car looks like heā€™s off his tits.


Thatā€™s absolutely shocking stuff.

Congrats on finally successfully posting a Twitter link though


Heā€™s absolutely out of his bin. Fuck me. I need to stop looking at that shit. Or emigrate.


No hi-vis or reflective gear on the cyclist.

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Scrotes love the full tracksuits

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Itā€™s the equivalent of double denim to roasters


Brilliant satire orā€¦?

I remember years back a few of us went to play on an astro pitch near Kevin st, think it might be at the back of the Iveagh trust apartments near there. During day time, few of us from college playing some ball. Bunch of kids on bikes then came over and giving it the big one, who da fuck are ye coonts. They fecked off, came back then about ten minutes later and showered the pitch with glass bottles. Destroyed the place. Never went back around after that, but it just showed the contempt they had for it, rather have it fucked than see anyone using it. There is only so much you can do to satisfy some kids/areas and others would just destroy anything and everything because they want to.


Teenage boys can be a bit of a nuisance across all of society tbf.

Gang mentality is relatively normal at that age but when it crosses the line there needs to be discipline.

Lovely bit of understatement there.


for them, it was probably harmless stuff. They werent out to do any damage to us, just wanted to fuck the pitch up so we couldnt play on it. They were also younger than teenagers. A load of kids during school time making shit of one of few good amenities they have. We actually felt more pity on the kids in the area who would want to use the pitch or other stuff around and these are the kinds of people they have to face daily.

Not underestimating it, just saying itā€™s a pattern across society at times. Discipline at home and by government needed.

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People will talk about ā€˜its just teenagers acting outā€™ but I aint sure about that. How many of these come from decent family backgrounds? More likely to have an absent father and a mother who has already moved onto her next man and having kids with him.

The breakdown of the family unit in society cannot be underestimated.

What can the government do to stop scrotes destroying a park/pitches specifically built by the government for them? Maybe Mammy and Daddy should show more interest rather the government being Mammy and Daddy for everyone in the land.

ā€˜The government need to do moreā€™ is the dumbest argument in the book and offers nothing but gives low IQā€™s something to lay blame on.