The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

I suppose that’s the way things were planned then - mad when you think about it.

Some interesting plans here but we had no money to build them

Filled in Royal Canal motorway



bullet dodged

That’s a fabulously interesting and boring read at the same time. Were they really proposing to demolish Croker to build a motorway? :scream:

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Noyeks Newmans kitchens floors decks and DOORS!


I remember the guy with the really deep voice who used to do the Peats of Parnell St ad on the radio.

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Bob Geldof worked in that slaughter house as a young fella. He worked with a guy called Paul, who became Billy in the song Rat Trap, based on Geldof’s experiences of Dublin at the time.


Geldofs autobiography is a great read.

Now I don’t have to hum the ‘decks’ bit when singing along.

He did indeed. It was abandoned for a good few years but the car park was intact. I was told to let the junkies and drunks go into the disused building and do whatever they needed to do.

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Was this Anglo Irish?

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Is that one he wrote about 25 years ago? Good read alright

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The canals should have tram lines running alongside them with congestion charges beginning from them.

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Does he die in the end?

Everything dies, baby thats a fact.

the issue i have now with Dublin is that the aspirational classes havent bought into active travel yet

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Think it originally opened in the 50s and operated under a variety of guises including International Meatpackers and Irish Meatpackers. I imagine it ended up in Goodman’s empire at some point towards the end alright. There were over 400 working in it in the 80s before it closed.

It would have been like Oakland or some other fucking place of this had gone ahead.

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Benefits of being poor but even places that could afford it rebelled against it eventually. Robert Moses had some insane plans for New York highways.

The half arsed parts they went ahead with go some way to explain the curious Dublin phenomenon of driving lanes that spontaneously appear and (equally spontaneously) disappear out of nowhere. It always struck me as bizarre that Bridgefoot St is as wide as it is, for instance. Now I know why.