The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

A mandatory 3 month stint in a labour camp/chain gang would sort these cunts out. Pulling ragwort, filling potholes, cleaning graffiti etc

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Not Dublin



If it was then it looks like the two lads with a stick from dublin castle are finally struggling to quell the natives.


Ah lovely

Charlie didn’t go down easy.

Didn’t say much for peeler training school. Wan of them is English? The lad who spent the whole time on the radio whilst his pal was trying to hold your man down.

If twas the states your man would be brown bread. So I guess it’s better that the lads aren’t used to violence

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Shoulda shot him in the shoulder

Everyone in that video is English flatty. In fact I think that video might have been shot in England.

Or the North. Our police force has Garda on their clothing and cars not Police.

Some fellas dont get this. They go around calling the Gardai “cops”. You hate to see it.

nor do they speak with English accents for the most part

A dead giveaway.

I didn’t look at that.
The northern lads playing hurling in manc used call them peelers. A neutral term which I tend to use. Most are more sinned against than sinning, it’s just every time you’ve an interaction with one it tarnishes your view a little bit more.
I should be drummed into them from day 1 to smile first.

For a sandwich up here ye cunts . Wtf

Where you going with the two meats you animal?


Chicken & Bacon you sap.

I’m the sap? You’re the one after paying 6.50