The Shame I feel about Dublin as my ๐Ÿ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Nuke it now lads.


These lads are very quick to kick someone in the head, little bastards.

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He probably had mayo, butter and coleslaw in there as well. โ€œSaladโ€.

Did the lad in black with the face covered stab him.

Jaysus. Thatโ€™s hard to watch.

Looks like he took something off him? The hard man walk on them as they waddle away!

The fella in the white t shirt and red shorts is like a kangaroo hopping round the place , hard to know who heโ€™s with or against .bizarre stuff

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Heโ€™s bananas

Not a bike to be seen in the new bike rack. A shame. Presumably if you park a bike here it gets robbed.

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I thought it was an angry cager or delivery driver at first but it turns out that it is actually a legitimate gripe

A week before Pride too.

Dykes V Bykes!

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Itโ€™s not his seating area, he can fuck off.

A few sheets of marine plywood and the job is oxo.

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Oh lads, the right on brigade wonโ€™t know where to look

Sure they can cycle there!

Council seem to be all over the place on stuff like this. They announced a scheme to instal locker type storage around the place particularly in residential areas but appear to have just given up on it, then they take enforcement proceedings against a family for having put a bike storage locker in her front yard, then they throw in these bike racks where they donโ€™t seem to be needed.

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First time the headbangers were happy to see cycling infrastructures :joy:

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