The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)


If he moved the kegs off the footpath they’d be plenty room

Can’t beat a good rack

Are bike ranks not a good thing?

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Not really. They aren’t secure. I saw a cut kryptonite lock on Parliament street about a month ago. Bike theft is endemic.

Bike lockers would be much better.

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Fingers crossed we can get enough pressure on the govt to get that bike rack removed.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy very conspicuous by his absence here. Never realized he was a hompphobe

the people on bikes community are supporting the LGBTQIA community on this one mate

also Buzz is a Rovers legend

Just hearing on the news about that murder in Ongar.

I’ve genuinely never heard of Ongar. Where in Dublin is it?

Out past Blanch

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Big soulless part of West Dublin. Where a load of Celtic Tiger building happened. You could drive for 15 mins and feel like you’ve not left a housing estate.


Some craic in town yesterday, Pride, Blur, Iron Maiden and Dermot Kennedy, fucking hopping, what a buzz. Couldn’t get a taxi for love nor money, which I presume is the norm now? Night time economy / hospitality very short staffed. We need the immigrants after all, who knew?


We went up to Malahide yesterday. Typical roaster we didn’t check if there was anything on. Seen a sign for concert traffic and realised the errors of our ways. Still had a nice picnic by the sea and topped it off with a bit of road rage with some dickhead who undertook me forcing me to slam on the brakes.


They are
It’s the bloody cyclists are the problem :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Keep your car away from Malahide


Correct. Massive shortage off staff In the hospitality sector.

Lovely tackle from me man there

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More impressively he managed to keep his white trousers clean