The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Pity the false face can’t use her own one for once( her loaf)


vs this

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The man should be let give him one deadner back. We need to adopt a Saudi approach on judgement.

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Jesus fucking Christ. These judges should be shot.


Id a great days in the capital as per usual.

Must have drank in ten different pubs and no trouble.

The only hint of violence I saw was in cusack stand on Sunday when a northern Irish lad and a Limerick fan got into it.

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Did you win or lose against the Derry lad?

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I was innocent by stander.

I actually sat beside him at a few all Irelands and he’d always acknowledge me when I see him.

I met him afterwards and he said that was his 25th all Ireland.

Not sure want happened with the Limerick fan but it got fairly heated.

I saw two kids get kicked out of the stand too but not sure what they did or where they were from.

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Limerick you can be sure.

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I’m not so sure tbh.

Another “victim” who’ll make his solicitors thousands upon thousands in time,all paid for by the tax payers


Just after the Deegan goal when KK won a free out in their own half there was a Limerick behind me let a roar “Ye’re worse than the Clare cunts”

You’d have to laugh


i dont get it

Clare people are cunts


Getting warm :blush:

Don’t think the post was aimed at you. GAA related you see…Oh wait

no go areas for Deliveroo drivers

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Brazilian couple interviewed there on tonight show reckon Sao Paulo is safer :scream:.


Ohhhh God🙄

I was Sao Paulo late one night and fuck me, we must be in a bad place.