The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

If SF had a pair of balls they would be in power now. They can’t be crying when they didn’t even make an effort to form a government.

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They had no chance last time. They didn’t have the numbers. Eventually FF and FG were told to make a government.

Alison O’Connor was on Clare Byrne and was shouting that they had to do it. No one else had the numbers.

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I know two people from the 26 who did some sort of active service in the 80s / 90s.

Both are out and out capitalists with one having a property empire - there was always money in his family, and the other a very well-off professional.

The shinners won’t go too far left to upset the ruling class.


Their fucking policies are communist in nature. And like all communists, a few will be very wealthy.

The Shinners are populists. Not communists.


100 pc ref smarts) SF)
Plus definitively FF will form a government with them

No way, ffs they’ve dropped the socialist bit years back

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You got that right,
They’ll play all the popular cards to each grouping

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ATM and 4 the last 5 years they’re offloading well known pubs etc etc
Anything that’s officially or even reputedly linked financially to them,
Obviously for fear of skeletons climbing out when SF are in Leinster house

Nearer home
In one part of Wales they own( ed)
80 houses


He looks like a man doing a days work, what’s the issue there?

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Central Dublin though is basically a nice sized town. It’s simply not acceptable that a dog with a mallet up his hole could hugely reduce the ongoing problems to folk going about their business, but successive regimes have ignored it. A visible deterrent is needed, a big one. The govt have a 16 billion surplus FFS. Ireland is once again palpably wealthy, with really only one major urban centre, but a swathe of it is bedevilled by antisocial behaviour, and nothing is done.


Like everything else something will only be done if it happens to someone ‘important’.


Name one of their communist policies


Indeed. It seems the “classist” issue lies with Veronica.

Judging the man from the photo…

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Not true. Central Dublin used to basically end at the Customs House. It arguably stretches from Heuston Station in the West to Capital Dock in the East which is close to 3 miles these days.

Dublin inside the canals is fairly dense and a large footprint. What constitutes the CBD is debatable but most real estate firms have this stretching well beyond the Canal in the southside at least.

The density of urban Dublin generally is in line with most mid sized European cities.

Or an American tourist