The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Not saying they are bad ideas to improve dublin, some are decent but the main issue of dublin city centre being a no go area due to crime is not addressed. Fix that then all of these can be done. The party of law and order have been in government for over a decade while Dublin and other city centres are on a steep decline with anti social behaviour and crime

Only 29?

Best laugh I had in along time reading those. Fuck me sideways. About 3 or 4 good suggestions and a load of absolute bollocks.

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The place needs more guards, empowered to do their job knowing that the vermin (and that’s what someone who attacks someone else unprovoked is) they do arrest will be put away for a bit.


Didnt a limerick hurler attack someone

I’ve no problem with him being arrested if so? Was it unprovoked?

Who would have guessed @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy 's surname is Mulqueen. A transplanted Muldoon from Clare.

I got as far as the lassie who was going on about the Guardian Angels on the London Underground. The Guardian Angels were a New York phenomenon

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Is he vermin?

  1. More vegan eateries
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If twas unprovoked, yeah

I think they were pretty much ran out of London by the met police. Probably interfering with their predatory raping and the like.

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Nathan Fielder’s “Daddy’s Watching” was a better idea

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Who would be the Guardian Angels over here, the same headbangers protesting in libraries and around refugee centres?

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In fairness they would get the shit beat out of them on the fiest night

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I think it’s a good idea in a state or country with fewer personal injury types about. Anything that makes you feel safer is good, and those guardian angel lads and ladies certainly did. I was very glad if their presence on occasion. But the gardai can’t win. They need a strong, visible, united presence, but this needs to be recoupled with a respect factor, which , unfortunately for some of the individuals involved, means a fear factor. The predominantly youngsters causing the trouble need to be afraid of the gardai, but you really wouldn’t want to live in a state where you’re afraid of the police either.
In short they need to staff the gardai in central Dublin with footballers from Tyrone.

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Young bucks nowadays have no fear of the guards,they know even if they are arrested they’ll be back on the street tomorrow if not sooner, they also know that the judge will give them a slap on the wrist and send them on their way till he sees them again. Meanwhile the solicitors are making out like bandits billing the state for free legal aid.


Not so much the fear of the guards but a fear of consequences, the dpp and courts are not giving proper repercussions for crime. How many multiple convictions do you see get another suspended sentence. I feel sorry for guards, not resourced enough, do the job correctly and see the same cunts a few weeks later repeating over and over again. Add in the justice minister is more worried about peoples feeling being hurt by name calling and the RUC man running the force into the ground.


I’m warming to this idea.


Aren’t the Gardai more or less like the Guardian Ángels.