The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

In that you can’t actually see them, yep.


The lack of presence on the streets is unacceptable though.

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This is the usual simplistic narrative on legalising drugs. Drugs like crack, meth and cocaine are not ones you want people to be taking freely.

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It’s probably 50/50 between common sense and hobby horse bollix. More bees and LGBTQ+ centres will really revitalise the city. :rofl:


Legalise cannabis and use the taxes to clean up dublin, set up rehab clinics outside ofnthe city centee. Now thats a win win solution

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And you’ll be up with the stench of the shit around Dublin just like in New York.

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Its better than the smell of actually shite from a suttery one from a junkie on the footpath

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More LGBTQ+ centres means more homophobic beatings in Dublin city centre.

It’s beyond belief in NY. Too much.

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Vvv good :clap::clap::clap:

Not so tough now.


Can see why, criminal conviction is kind of the the end of you in this country professionally/work wise, if he ever had any ambition that way. He deserves what he is getting anyway. Life of dole and crime it is.

No different than the rest of us during the crash! Tommers and nixers.

Would a tradesman take on a lad with a conviction like that? And all the expensive equipment and gear, going into peoples houses et cetera. The young lad would want to show a bit of potential.

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It was building and building…

The cheek of these two cunts

I’d my car broken into in Cork a few years back and I’m still waiting on her


“World Staaaur” :imp:

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I was praying, praying the cunt would get the head taken off him.

These guys must think she is like a local sheriff or something.