The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

In fairness the guards are under resourced but that is only one of the issues. The judicial system is even worse. Suspended sentances, early release and bail conditions not being enforced. Im sure the guards are sick of picking the same scrotes up for the same crimes, doing a pile of paperwork for the dpp only to have the cunts back out. Rinse and repeat


Sheā€™s been minister for 4 years

Oh, I didnā€™t realise it was that long.

Ah lads. Fucking animals

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Now sheā€™s had two spells on maternity leave, in fairness. And a lot of the issues are legacy issues. But sheā€™s the minister. Sheā€™s in charge.


I was actually coming on here to ask this though. Why does she seem to be personally getting the blame every time someone gets a box outside a chipper? Donā€™t seem to remember this happening other ministers for justice. Is there some specific policy she is or isnā€™t enacting thats to blame?


I want to say it but Iā€™m not bothered dealing with the replies :grinning:

Two of the previous three ministers of justice resigned from office following issues so itā€™s common enough for them to fall on their sword.

They didnā€™t resign because of the decline of law and order under their watch. In reality both were sacked for unethical behaviour.

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Do you think sheā€™s doing a good job?

When has any Irish politician ever resigned for being shit?

That is a very fair point. Iā€™d have Donnelly resigned about a dozen times at this stage

That doesnā€™t really answer my question though. Ministers are always unpopular. Why is she being called on to resign every time someone is attacked in Dublin? Thereā€™s been fellas attacked in Dublin every weekend for the last 50 years Iā€™d say. Has she cut gardai from the city or what?

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Because thereā€™s a whole cohort of terminally angry, reactionary, insecure men online and they hate women, especially pleasant looking women who have children.

Though theyā€™re also the people who subscribe to the ā€œFauci, Holohan, Soros, Klaus Schwab are evil supervillainsā€ brain rot.

In short: Helen McEntee is a lightning rod for the nutty squad.


It must be something to do with that and the hate speech thing. The through the looking glass nature of it all though is now we have lefties feeling they have to defend a FG justice minister as the enemy are against her.
Whoever said the far right are chaos agents was fairly spot on.

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Sheā€™s been an excellent Minister.


The long and short of it is if you have the QEwans and Gary Dempseys after you, youā€™re probably alright(ish).

One of the unfortunate by products of the modern information environment is a certain cohort of people now like to get their information from headbangers shouting into the camera of their phone while sitting in the dark in a parked car in a supermarket car park.

Iā€™ve commented here a couple times over the years that I think sheā€™s been a very good minister. Sheā€™s been very active and introduced a lot of new initiatives in a short space of time in a department that is notoriously resistant to change. The problems in Dublin are - in my opinion - the making of years of neglect of government, mainly outside of her department (health, housing, welfare). And the problems with the gardai go back to long long before her tenure and canā€™t be solved overnight.