The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Came to court with his mother, bawling crying in front of judge, played every sympathy card.

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Huh? Didn’t chief lettuce head announce lots of shiny buses?? :smirk:

Was chatting to a reasonably senior figure in the Department of Justice last Wednesday and he said the VIBE in there is than Helen McEntee hasn’t got long left.

Being punished for having a few kids is it?


She’s had a few kids so she must be doing a great job?

It’s like people have forgotten how adept she was at holding the umbrella up for Coveney.


Well my point was she seems to have been out on maternity leave for most of her tenure, and there are elements who will say she is losing the job because she had a few kids

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McEntee should never been made a minister. In fact she shouldn’t even be a TD. She was promoted way beyond her abilities. This is the problem with politics. She was elected cos of her dead Da.


She’ll probably go but a lot of the issues are ideological and if her successor follows the same stupid approach to our border, to crime, to light touch, or no touch policing and sentencing then nothing will change.

But the media are smelling blood here now. Every crime in Dublin will make headline news

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Whoever is in that job isn’t gonna be able to do much without a massive investment in the guards, both in numbers and how they can do their job

Arresting the same time rags over and over again is fairly pointless for all. Material punishment needed for repeat offenders . At the moment there is just no deterrent


None whatsoever.

Sure we’ve billions to spare!

We need investment for sure. Thankfully we haven’t gone down the road of Thatcher who ruined teaching and other public servants by starving them of income and undervaluing them so much they nearly wiped out the profession.

Problem will be having a teacher or Garda in Dublin in 10 years. They simply won’t be able afford to buy a house and live there. Some schools already can’t fill roles.


They would and they do

She’s simply not good at it

We are already there I’d say are we?


They could always make it more accessible for teachers from fellow EU member states who are residing in Dublin to apply for positions instead of teaching council of Ireland tying them in knots to be eligible. A real case of you’ve wanted for yourselves now you have it for yourselves ! Except nobody seems to want it now !

What is she supposed to do about the recent incidents? The only way to solve that seems to be having way more Gardai on duty, so she needs to get a huge increase in her budget to cover Garda overtime or to recruit new Gardai, or maybe both.

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Big vote of no confidence coming for Drew Harris too…

Will be very interesting to see the result of Polands up comomg referendum