The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

I think this is something we can all live with?

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My feeling is a lot of the self styled online “law and order” brigade don’t actually care about law and order at all. For example all of those people who were online giving positive comments about the burning down of a house Ballybrack earmarked for refugees are part of the self styled online “law and order” brigade.

I don’t think there are any statistics or context or explanations about particular dynamics in society that could satisfy them or the rest of the self styled online law and order brigade. The self styled online law and order tend to only care about online videos of violence and recreational paranoia and a deluded belief that everything used to be better in the past.

Wasn’t a questionable piece of legislation brought in there giving emphasis to the word of a superintendent so that those scumbags threatening witnesses wasn’t as big of an issue?

Questionable or not getting those scumbags off the street was worth it.

The 9am knifer on Grafton Street yesterday was a man from war-torn Algeria with 5 bench warrants against him. And all the boys who know better on here mock the poor plebs who use the word ‘unvetted’

He should have been deported after his first offence

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There is an argument to say he shouldn’t be really here. Algeria FFS.

The Irish Times understands the attacker and victim were not known to each other and that both had been out socialising into the early hours of Sunday morning.

Socialising seems unlikely :thinking:

Yep, hardly out taking yips in the Red Box and heading to the White Horse for the come down session.

Out socialising with a knife?

I’m suggesting this article might not be in possession of all the facts

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Yeah, the facts it does have wouldn’t have you thinking they are sending us their best people.

I don’t see anything in the article about the 5 x bench warrants?

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They were reporting that bit earlier today.

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When you say ‘they’ do you mean random right wing lads on twitter? Because them fellas don’t always tell the truth


In a fantastic twist of fate, I shall be meeting Helen McEntee in about an hour


No better man to set her straight.

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I’ll be on my best behaviour.

That Karl Martin chap seems to be a particularly miserable character. I’m pretty sure he’s one of these oddballs that has been writing letters to the Sindo for decades.

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Good job Lucy Letby turned out to be a white English person, the very definition of ye olde middle England.

The campaign of naked racism that would have been whipped up under the false pretences of being a “concerned citizen” if it had been a person of colour or an immigrant genuinely doesn’t bear thinking about.

There are nutcases out there that genuinely suit by their computers waiting to pounce on literally anything they can use to whip up hatred against minorities.

A prime exhibit here.

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Would ya?