The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Probably but, AFAIK that’s not why she is here


Did someone threaten an atm in the airport?


Oops, I didn’t know he was one of those headbangers when he didn’t have any flags or other slogans in his Twitter handle. :worried:

Judging books by covers is old hat.

Fuck me it’s bad enough with our own loopers without importing more cunts

Flying visit guys. Nothing of substance said.

Are you both getting overtime?

High fives all round

What about the Irish fella a few years back who pucked the head off a fella outside a pub in NY and fucked him up. No outcry from the loony right over that?

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Even the yanks understand when they hear hes from pallasgreen.

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Think this chat might be a bit above your pay grade, Poindexter.

Maybe go back to sticking your finger up your hole and examining and documenting what’s there?

You seem very angry.

About which?

About non Irish people.

I am anyway

You mustn’t have read my posts. I’ve been reasonable enough. I think we’re massively over-indexing on what we’re doing and it will turn out very badly. What’s beginning to happen here has happened and is happening across Europe. It’s not racism to point out patterns and causality. This incident was mentioned earlier and someone accused RTE of being Far Right because they mentioned that this scumbag has 5 arrest warrants. It’s bonkers that people are sticking the fingers in the ears and just go back to focusing on what’s on their Netflix feed.

My kids get that Luas, my niece’s get that Luas, my friends children get that Luas on the weekends. I don’t get the dismissal as racism by 95% on here or any questioning of what’s going on. We’re acting like a modern wealthy country with massive resources and a huge population with smart politicians and policy, we’re the opposite in every aspect. There’s a real misplaced ‘right-on’- ness about all this which is going to have serious ramifications for the future.

I don’t see how bringing lots of North African males not fleeing anything,who will never work or assimilate to this country is a positive thing. It just isn’t, or ever will be.


Rte didn’t report that he had 5 arrest warrants. A far right headbanger claimed that they did. Fake news and not the first time you chose to believe tweets from these absolute fucking scumbags.

Would you not think it’s telling in how far you’re invested into one side that you have a completely closed approach to the truth because the narrative doesn’t suit you or your beliefs. How did you get to that point?

RTE and Independent had that fact earlier in their reporting.

You aren’t pointing put patterns and causality. You merely scour the media looking for any story where you can paint immigrants in a terrible light. That’s what the far right do and it’s racist and bigoted as fuck.

What’s hilarious is it’s also paranoid and fearful as fuck. There’s an almost perfect crossover between anti-vaccine, Covid-denying fruit pastilles and the anti-immigrant balloons. Have youse anti-vaccine, Covid denying fruit pastilles who shite on with dumb slogans like “get out from under the bed” any self awareness that that’s exactly what youse need to do?

We are a modern and extremely wealthy country.

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