The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Don’t let the facts get in the way of a bit of Irish bashing

London has the exact same problems as Dublin. Stop making things up.

Young people in Ireland aren’t emigrating because of money by and large. Lads in construction in Australia can make better money alright but a lot of that is because they don’t pay tax and they spend it all in the pub anyway

the FFFG bots are alive and have been oiled

enjoy that lads

Bigger country bigger opportunities.

No surprise there.

They’re mostly going for a couple of years on the piss, let’s call it what it is.

I can completely get why renting an apartment with 7 others is more appealing at that age in Melbourne than Dublin.


This tin ear (Tim ear?) is the reason FG got such a kicking for their “keep the recovery going” pitch. The economy is booming, yes, we are an extremely wealthy and advanced country. But we have massive problems that you refuse to recognise.

That’s about the long and short of it.

Young people have it so good nowadays they get bored off little old Ireland around the age of 25 or 26.

Not dealing with the point. You claimed London was “better” than Dublin for housing when it isn’t. The same images of people queuing for a rental are there in London as they are here. They may not be as magnified as here by the media but they are there. You picked a weird hill to die on with this.

Your original point was comparing to Europe. As mentioned, data shows that is not where Irish people primarily go. Australia, the U.K., US, Canada and even New Zealand are the destinations of choice for young emigrants. The EU15 has improved but you aren’t hearing about the Irish taking over Stockholm, are you?

It seems to be an article of faith with you that Dublin must be better than London. It isn’t, that’s how bad it’s gone.

What I said was more and more people are going to European cities. That’s simply true. What data do you have on destinations Irish people go to? It’s not like there’s tracking.

If you’re not on two fiddy + here, you’re at nattin’.

An article of faith on what? Housing or in general? The latter is subjective.

In housing terms, it is as bad. There is 166k in temporary accommodation in London alone ffs.

A couple of your mates is not reality.

You started out here comparing to European cities. I pointed out that would be nice and all if that’s where our emigrants went. In reality our citizens predominately end up in places with the exact same problems as here.

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Buying is a distant pipedream for practically everyone. Those who parrott the “we need to get away from this idea of ownership” line dont get the fact that renting is just as challenging. There is a dearth of units available. 600 available nationally last report.

People are emigrating now not only because of nice weather or better quality of life but because they see no future here. It is not uncommon now that you have 3 generations of one family living under the one roof. Cost of living and general taxation have priced a lot of people out of having a decent living standard. People still have this misty eyed romanticised view of Ireland akin to the old 80s ESB add where your man is going home to his mother. Ireland doesnt really stand up to closer scrutiny when you compare us to most developed nations on any metric except employment. But you could seek employment elsewhere and probably be better remunerated for your efforts, give less of it to the government and have more bang for your buck.

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Ireland obviously has problems but there’s big elements of truth in what tim and brudeann are saying too in fairness. There’s huge amounts of money in Ireland still you can see it in the spending that goes on in the big retail outlets and the crowds at expensive kids activities all summer. And these are people from all walks of life too. Some people are left behind but I doubt too many fellas here know too many of them and they exist in greater numbers in other similar countries. The biggest issue is definitely the price of rent. It’s absolutely ridiculous by any metric.


Lads can’t get their head around the fact people move areas to find better opportunities.

Ireland is tiny.

When you go to London you meet people from all over the u.k. when you go to the east coast America there’s people from all over living and working there.

A flight from San Fran to the west coast isn’t too different from a flight from Dublin to New York.

If you have a seriously well educated group of young people Ireland simply isn’t going to have enough jobs for them.

The world is a smaller place now.

Paddy was happier digging roads for John Bull, staying in a bedsit in Cricklewood drinking himself into an early grave than when he has a kitchen island, a Jeep parked outside, and gets paid handsomely to tell a few lads in Bangalore to update software every quarter.


Things were better for the youth of Ireland in the 80s when priests ruled the country. If you were going to London or America you probably had fuck all education and you’d be lucky to ring your family twice a year not to mind come home for a visit.

You’d want to be on between 150-200k to think about buying property and raising a family in London.

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And have 30grand each a year to educate them privately.

We had reverse the charges calls in those days.