The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Fuck i was well late on my timingsā€¦


I slipped myself. I blame the celtic tiger. we were all too busy spending money

Young people: ā€œIreland is a great place to liveā€

Awkward crew on tfk: ā€œletā€™s ignore what young people say and continue to claim Ireland is a shit place for young peopleā€

Ireland is a terrific little diverse country.

Of course things can be improved and of course we have our issues but thatā€™s the way of the world.

youā€™re one of the most awkward fuckers here, being honest with you

youā€™ll intentionally say up was down to try rise a fella

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No Iā€™m not.

The same lunatics who claimed Dublin wasnā€™t safe to walk around now trying to claim Ireland is a shit place to live in.

Ukrainians should surrender :white_check_mark:
Global warming is a myth :white_check_mark:
Lock down done more harm than good :white_check_mark:

Itā€™s always the Same people.


youā€™re a gas fucking manā€¦

Have you data to back that up?

Edit; maybe you meant to say Young Fine Gael people?

It isnā€™t conjecture. The countries with the most emigration since the crash are the U.K., Australia, Canada and the US. The EU15 bundled in together only equal the UK.

Not really no but itā€™s just incredibly frustrating at how down people are on at Ireland at the moment.

Itā€™s a bloody great place to be young in. We have great opportunities and we should be grateful for that.

If not being able to afford a house in Dublin is your biggest concern then things are going pretty bloody well when you see whatā€™s going on around the world every day.

The population of the country continues to expand rapidly. Ireland is the third fastest growing country in Europe.

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We also have an obsession with ownership in Ireland.

A lot of people 65 plus living in houses they donā€™t really need to be in after family have moved away.

If you could convince them to down size and free
Up larger homes for younger families it would help but thereā€™s obvious reasons why people donā€™t want to do it which is fair enough.

Yes and we also have shortages of GPs, chronic nimbyism preventing meeting of climate change targets and creating a first world public transport system, a desperate system for looking after people with mental health issues and young people in state care, a paper based health system, student housing shortages and inflation eating into spending power of young families who are also paying for childcare and dealing with rising interest rates. It isnā€™t a perfect country by any manner or means.


Youā€™re like TFKs Marie Amtoinette,

Never had to work a day in your life and youā€™re challenging people saying itā€™s far too expensive to find a place to live in the desirable parts of the country, :man_shrugging:

But if those things were overwhelming, we would not see the growth we do. Things were proper shit in Ireland in the 1980s and late 2000s and migration flows followed.

Now we face issues that are largely similar across the board. Iā€™ll take each of your complaints one by one and compare to one of the top ā€œemigrationā€ destinations.


GP shortage

Climate change

The Health system

Student housing shortage

Australian inflation crisis

Yet we are supposed to believe that the early 20 somethings going there to live with 7 other people are doing so because Ireland is so shit and the only country with problems.

Get off the stage, the world is bigger than Ireland.

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Whatā€™s the saying further away grass isnā€™t always greener.

Yet your siblings and friends have mostly left the place?

Nƭl aon tinteƔn mar do thinteƔn fƩin

Australia is far more expensive than Ireland

Looking for a new rental in Dublin is worse than London now. I donā€™t see whatā€™s hard to believe about that. Denying the scale of the problem doesnā€™t help anyone, the bertie ahern school, talking down the economy. I think we should recognise where we are at. Our annual targets for housing builds are at least 10k too low, doing the ostrich on it isnā€™t going to get us out of it.

And yet it is one of the top destinations for the the young Irish supposedly condemned to emigration.