The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

It is actually brilliant that she was eventually able to tell him that. Must have been a huge relief to her and she must have felt that he had lived a good life and wouldn’t change anything.


Young people have never had it better.

  • They’ve as much access and encouragement to education as anywhere on the planet and not forever in debt to attain it nor price prohibiting those from accessing it.
  • They’ve been bred to be confident and told not just compete but you can do it on a global scale should the drive take you there
  • They’ve access to every amenity- food, education,travel, challenge, community- bar affordable housing.
  • They’re sought after no longer to build railroads but to design them. So far beyond rail have we come we dominate the aviation industry
    -Equipped with drive and education we give it a red hot crack in fields like engineering, animation, tourism, food produce etc
    -Diets have improved improved as has our approach to meals
  • personal hygiene miles better, contraception taught and available
  • we continue to seek understanding and solution to mental health, recognising daftness and, darkeness, shame and the guilt are deeply engrained in our DNA but so too in that helix remains the constant of humour, compassion and wit.
  • we’re families, communities, counties, country and now European.
  • acceptance of those not being carbon copy catholic is, for the main, magnitudes better
  • Irish mammies still hold pole position while now Irish dads aim to emulate instead of mock, derise or dismiss.

It’s tough these days. But surely that’s always been the case. But it’s been half a century since realistic pessimism pissed on promise and opportunity before they both even left the bed. Half a century since it’s been ’ Shit for our young’

Rough and all as some issues are, what else would you choose to be before Irish?


Gardai are out in force in the capital’s shopping and entertainment centre.

Cracking down on buskers not having the right insurance for now.

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Australian maybe, but not much else tbh.

No more americans shall be assaulted this weekend.


Never heard it
Obviously a cunt of a man

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Early yet

Accident of birth. You’d swear we were some magic race of leprechauns…

Glad I’m Irish
And wouldn’t want to be any other nationality
Warts and all we’re ok.

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DCC obviously have a man on the inside here.

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I’m waiting on my cheque

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Me man tells me there was 7,000 at mass yesterday in Dublin castle for these apes

Let the parks department run the council

Be a grand spot for all the junkies on Gardiner St to hang out

I don’t think anyone expects anything else out of Liverpool through

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Good enough for the Cunt

The poor cunt he hit will be getting a letter from some ambulance chaser in the next few days

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Just after 5pm this evening around a dozen scrotes from around 15 up to late 40s sitting on the wall of IFSC house opposite Busarus all with tops off drinking cans, as I passed one of them starting pissing into the hedge, this within 100 yards from Store St :policewoman:t3: shop.