The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Early adopter of the BBC in Dublin’s lower socioeconomic areas by the looks of the non-ganglandy kids.

Tristan Shout
Tristan Shout

Tristan’s hand dissolved
Tristan is absolved (by his Mam)

Having seen the video of the other lad involved, personally I think Tristan might just have been the lesser evil here.


There doesn’t seem to be as much money in this drug dealing as you’d think if they can’t pay for a funeral.

Terrible waste of a life.

The dead young fella most likely was clearing a drug debt to get tick for the festive period. Not known to be involved sales. Maybe the odd courier job etc.

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Id say the other lad that was put up in the photo is well out of the country at this stage.
Messy auld business.

Yep, he’ll not rest easy ever again. What’s left of his lifetime will be spent with the best view of the entrances of bars/eateries, and an exit plan, aided by benzos to function through the fear. A putrid existence.

That photos from a while ago apparently

I presume the 2 lads here are either targeting a car or trying to get someone to stop who they can jump. Or is it more than that?

They’re off their beans on gas but chancing their arm nonetheless

Gas cunts.

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Nastier looking than that. Crikey you wouldn’t even see that on the mainland. Dublin is gone a bit mental some of it.

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Dublin is fucked. I’m not sure it can be saved or is even worth saving

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I’m genuinely scratching my head at people wanting the population to keep rapidly increasing. It’ll be mayhem. Worse than England, and that’s saying something.


I think you have to factor in the advent of phones being to able to record everything nowadays. There was always cunts around acting the bollix.

For all the hysteria - headline crimes such as murders etc especially “gangland ones” are way down. Nothing compared to 15-20 years ago. Which is good.

Anti-social behaviour has been a massive problem for decades and it is increasing to be fair. It has been allowed fester via overly lenient judges who mean well and the practical side of having no space to put those pricks into jail.

More Gardai on the street would counteract a lot of that bollix acting. How they do it, maybe, cut down the paper work and make being a Garda far more lucrative. That is a tricky one. Drew Harris and all that goes with that battle probably is doing the opposite of what you’d want ideally morale wise too.

Population increasing in short is a good thing. I think.


Driving through the city at 2am last night and at the major crossroads there before Broadstone and some zombie like figure appeared in a black hoodie knocking on my window. Off is game. Was thinking of some poor nurse driving through the city after a shift. Shouldn’t have to put up with that shite. Fella was probably there most of the night.

I’ve lived in England for a long time, and trust me when I say, dense population is not something I’d ever encourage in a country.


If its managed properly it can be a good thing too mate. Realistically Ireland needs the population to increase. We have plenty of room. The government just needs to get the services right. That is the key.

Ireland as an island could accomodate at least double of our current population no problem. You could argue we’d be that already if the famine hadnt occured.

