The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Only a fool would think otherwise

Define a dense population for me flatty?

Its going to happen anyway. An increased population will result in a better economy for the country. More people spending money etc. I donā€™t really see the downsides to it.

More ā€˜Dublin is burningā€™ hysteria from breathless country lads who watch too many tik tok clips from their single build bungalow bliss.


Youre either off your medication or have been living on top of a fookin conker tree abroad in Conemara to come out with that.

The country is full to the brim,bud.Try rent/buy somewhere to live,get a medical appointment,a seat on the train or even attempt a 6.30 commute on one of the motorways into Dublin on a weekday and come back to me.

Theyre coming in their droves.Some genuine,some not and they sure as fook arent integrating.
Ireland 2023.Lap it up.


It might be time to start incentivising culchies to leave Dublin

Weā€™re already struggling with a shortage of gardai

There is plenty of room in the country physically. We had a bigger population 170 years ago. The island could easily support more people.

The financial crash destroyed our construction industry. Mismanagement of our health system destroyed that too which are the root of the problem.

At the end of day - you canā€™t blame people for wanting to come to a country to make potentially a better life for themselves. 99.9% of them contribute as well. Its always happened really.

The biggest problem is the narrative around it. Anyone blackguarding without a passport etc though should be fucked back straight away. That appearing not to happen leads to discussions like this.

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It wil result in more money for some people. Thatā€™s all.

Let the army look after ye

It could, but thatā€™s not what we are arguing, and itā€™s only my opinion having lived in England.

With respect, I think thatā€™s a very narrow view on the topic mate.

Well, weā€™ll see. At what point would you consider the population sufficient?
10 million, 30, 50?
Or do you want inexorable population growth?

The Galway is strong in him.

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Got a taxi at Dublin airport last week

ā€œWhere you landing in from?ā€

ā€œNew Yorkā€

ā€œBeen there a few times, itā€™s alright but jaysus I wouldnā€™t live thereā€

Me thinks to myself Dublin is a fucking shithole


Fair enough. England wanted their immigration though when it suited them?

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Thatā€™s their lookout.
Iā€™m only saying what I feel.
Iā€™d rather live in an Ireland of 1 million people than 10 million.
Others may differ.

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Iā€™m not trolling you here mate but why would you rather live with 1 million in Ireland rather than 10 million?

Iā€™d rather live in a prosperous island of 10 million myself.

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I prefer the solitude.
Why donā€™t you move to the M62 corridor?

Iā€™ve no great gra for England mate. County Limerick is my home.

The mainland is densely populated but Iā€™m sure you can still find a bit of peace and quiet too.


Id agree with alot of that but not your opinion on theres plenty of room and integration.In urban areas,its utterly rammers with non nationals.Anyone who says different is either a straight out liar or a soap avoiding leftie.Its literally straigt in front of anyone eyes who walks any urban areas in Ireland during normal hours.
Whats its going to be like in 10 yeaars,Id ask?
Are we witnessing a modern day plantation in Ireland? Id suggest we are.

Wether you think thats good or not,depends on your circumstances,id suggest.
Im all for positive integration,genuine people coming here to contribute.I sure as fuck aint for passport flushers,lazy cunts and gypsies.

Seig heil yeah

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