The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

They had 3 or 4 but went up in price but down in quality. Boojum prob has that market covered

Ya the burrito fad is probably dying off as well

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Was in there a couple of years ago and they did a savage Torta

Georgeā€™s dad was proud to be a tout obviously

@TreatyStones me mans bag

Where in Dublin is that?

Fucking immigrants again.

Two arrests as Garda begins Dublin riots follow-up operation

In one door and out the other.Theyll never see the inside of a jail.

That young girl is gone into ICU again acc to reports.

Theyā€™re all English yobs. Your man on the scooter doesnā€™t appear disabled but does appear to be from some grim shithole like stalybridge

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Woah, two arrests! These guys are good!

Fuckin tramps

The dissidents messed up when they started taxing dealers, instead of robbing banks to raise funds. Their level of public support wouldnā€™t be where it was if most of them werenā€™t snorting coke they confiscated after kicking down the doors of mid level dealers.


Thereā€™s different types of dissidents
Different groups in different areaā€™s,
New Ra Iā€™ve lots of older friends with them/ donā€™t k why,
Ppl I know are committed AGFA republicans but some of those involved with them leave a lot to be desired,
INLA in Derry is totally different to those in Belfast
( Derry unfortunately attracted some undesirable last 15 plus years
Bulk of INLA volunteers left them including the leadership 22/4 years back to join the reals,

Reals in Cork indeed Munster are totally independent
Had a link with Derry / S Armagh, Fermanagh,Donegal
Are 100 pc anti drugs ,
Donā€™t tax druggies
Indeed have whacked minimum of 5

New IRA in Cork city are dead heads ,
Some criminal elements involved with them,
So over all itā€™s pretty confusing at times,
Basically IRSP Belfast leave Derry/ Strabane etc to do what they want


Itā€™s mad, innit. No unifying forces in most of them. Contos sounded quite similar. Fragmented approaches, based on region. Iā€™ve a lot of respect for Duffy in Lurgan. Dude just doesnā€™t fold.

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Unfortunately these groups will remain isolated
And the long arm of the state will keep probing and eventually theyā€™ll wither away,
Official IRA like,
Genuinely some decent ppl in their ranks
My age though,
Lots of ex volunteers of provo/ reals/ IRSP calibre many many ex prisoners with a wealth of experience

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Cork girl in charge of the shinners in Stormont
May be able to bloody make some progress ref a budget/ housing/ work up there,
Thatā€™s if the DUP donā€™t walk away from it all again

These men must be disgusted ref FF/FG